Lab Test #2 Flashcards
How many hands do you use on a microscope and where would they go?
Two- one around the arm and the other under the base
The Bottom part on which the microscope rests
The angular part of the frame
The part that holds the ocular
Body Tube
Lens at the top of the body tube, magnification of 10X
Ocular (Eyepiece)
The circular plate at the bottom of the body tube
Lens with magnification of 4X
Lens with magnification of 10X
Lens with magnification of 40X or 43X
Lens with magnification of 100X, may not be present
Oil Immersion
The platform on which the slide is placed
Two clips that hold the slide in place
Stage Clips
Provides built-in illumination (no mirror is needed)
Located below the stage and regulates the amount of light passing through the stage
A nonmovable lens located in the hole of the stage (does not affect magnification)
Larger knob that raises and lowers the body tube for focusing
Coarse Adjustment Knob
The external knob that is used for final focusing
Fine Adjustment Knob
Only use Coarse Adjustment Knob on the what?
Scanning Objective
Only use the fine adjustment knob on the what?
Low and High power objectives
On a microscope what do you always clean?
Ocular, Objectives, Condenser, and Light
Keep what open when using a microscope?
Both eyes
Locate your object through the what
Scanning objective
Your microscope is what
par focal
Always the nose piece or the stage before placing or removing a slide
Raise- lower
Putting away your microscope
- Remove the slide
- Turn off light
- put scanning lens in place
- turn adjustment knobs to position objectives as close to the stage as possible
- Wrap cord around the base
- cover microscope
- use two hands to transport
If you move your slide to the left where does the image move?
To the right
if you move your slide away from you where does the image move?
towards you
How many times greater was the maginification on high power than on low power
4 times
The fundamental unit of all living organism is the what?
Each kingdom of organisms has different what?
Structural features
All cells are surrounded by what
Cell membrane
Transparent jelly like material spread all throughout the cell
Control Center for a cell
Plant cells have an extra covering called a what and lies where
Cell Wall- outside the cell membrane
The cell wall does what
Strengthens and protects the cell
Green part of a plant cell that allows it to carry out photosynthesis
A nonliving, porous semi-rigid casing for the living organism
Cell Wall
The viscous, granular mass of protoplasm, gray or blue in appearance depending on the stain
A selectively permeable covering around the protoplasm that regulates transported materials
Cell Membrane
A clear area in cell that is not occupied by cytoplasm and is not present in young cells (often found in the center)
Any structure of the cell with specific functions
Watery solution filling vacuoles
Cell sap
The organelle containing the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells, usually visible as a round body darker in color than the cytoplasm
A green oval pigmented organelle varying in number
One or more dark stained areas within the nucleus containing protein and RNA
A flowing motion of granules causing the chloroplasts and other organelles to be pushed around
Cytoplasmic streaming (Cyclosis)
Feature in an animal cell which functions in cell division
Pair of Centrioles
Organelles only in plant cells
Cell wall, vacuole, ad chloroplast
Organelles only in animal cells
Centrioles and Lysosomes
Path of light through a microscope numbering each part of the microscope as the light passes throughout from the light to the oculars?
lighsource diaphragm condenser stage objectives revolving nose piece body tube ocular
Plant and animal cells are alike in that both possess
Plasma Membrane
A student will be able to identify cells viewed with a microscope as plant cells because plant cells possess