Lab Safety Part One, Test 2 Flashcards
List the characteristics of wrapper
- Made of muslin paper
- Allows steam to penetrate
- Does not tear easily
- Autoclave tape is used - color change indicates the package has been autoclaved
Characteristics of pouches
- Indicator on outside of pouch to check for color change
- See-through
- Non-reusable
- Peel apart seal on one end
- Other end opens to insert item, then sealed with heat/tape
- Available in different sizes
What kind of water do you put in autoclave?
Distilled water
How far apart should items be spaced in autoclave?
1-3 inches
How hot is the steam under pressure autoclave?
121 degrees Celsius, 15 PSI
Define sterilization
Kills all microorganisms and spores
List the 5 characteristics of spores
- Consists of a hard, thick walled capsule
- More resistant to heat
- Cannot be killed or destroyed by disinfectants
- Not all MO can form spores
How to maintain autoclave?
- Wash autoclave daily with mild detergent with 2% glutaraldehyde
True or false?
It’s okay to use a pack that has been dropped, opened, gotten wet, or torn
False, it should be replaced in all scenarios
True or false, removing a wet pack from the autoclave will result in contamination of the pack
What temperature should a dry heat oven be set to?
160 degrees Celsius
How long does it take to sterilize an article in a dry heat oven? Why?
1-2 hours
Because dry heat moves unevenly and penetrates slower
True or false, a dry heat oven is used mostly for metallic objects?
True or false, a dry heat oven is less corrosive than moist heat?
What is the best method to sterilize powders and oils?
Dry heat oven
What do you wrap items in for oven?
Aluminum foil
What are the characteristics of muslin?
- Reusable
- Best fabric to wrap large items in (surgery tray set up)
- It’s expensive
What are Container Label Requirements?
- Name of chemical
- Manufacturer information (address, emergency phone number, name)
- Physical hazards of chemical
- Health hazards of chemical
- Safety precautions
- Storing and handling of the chemical
What is High Level Disinfection used for?
Name a commonly used high level disinfectant?
Semi-critical items (items that come into contact with nonintact skin - sigmoidoscope)
2% glutaraldehyde
What is Intermediate Level Disinfection used for?
Name a commonly used intermediate level disinfectant
Non-critical items like stethoscope (items that come into contact with intact skin)
Isopropyl alcohol
What is low level disinfection used for?
Name a commonly used low level disinfectant
It’s used to disinfect surfaces (examining tables)
Household bleach
What is the shelf life of a disinfectant?
The length of time a disinfectant may be stored before use, indicated by expiry label
What is the use life of a disinfectant?
Length of time that a disinfectant is effective after it has been opened
Write the date of expiration on the container after opening
What is the reuse life of a disinfectant?
Length of time that a disinfectant being used and reused remains active
Date when should be discarded: write it on the label and affix to the container holding disinfectant