Lab Refresher: Lower Respiratory Exam Flashcards
What is the location for emergent decompression of tension pneumothorax, followed by chest tube placement?
2nd ICS just superior to the 3rd rib margin at MCL
What is the location for chest tube insertion?
4th ICS at mid or anterior axillary line in the 4th ICS just superior to the margin of 5th rib
What is the landmark for thoracentesis?
7th ICS
Where is tactile fremitus palpated more prominently?
- Interscapular area
- More prominent on the right
List 6 conditions where there would be decreased/absent tactile fremitus?
- Pleural effusions
- Fibrosis
- Pneumothorax
- Thick chest wall
- Infiltrating tumor
In which conditions may there be generalized hyperresonance over the lungs?
- COPD/emphysema
- Asthma
*Conditions with hyperinflation
What is normal diaphragmatic excursion?
3-5.5 cm
When assessing diaphragmatic excursion, dullness at a level higher than expected suggests what?
Pleural effusions or a high diaphragm (as in atelectasis, or phrenic n. paralysis)
When and where are vesicular breath sounds heard?
- Through inspiration and about 1/3 of expiration
- Heard over most of lungs (parenchyma)

When and where are bronchovesicular sounds heard?
- Equally in inspiration and expiration
- Heard best in 1st and 2nd interspaces anteriorly and btw the scapulae

When and where are bronchial sounds heard?
- Expiratory sounds heard longer than inspiratory
- Heard best over the manubrium

Which breath sound is very loud and high pitched; and heard equally in inspiration and expiration?

If bronchovesicular or bronchial breath sounds are heard more distal to expected locations, suspect what?
Air-filled lung has been REPLACED by fluid-filled or solid-lung tissue
Which adventitious breath sound is characterized by being discontinous; intermittent, nonmusical and brief?
Crackles (rales)
Which adventitious breath sound is characterized by a continous; musical quality and is prolonged?
Which adventitious breath sound is characterized by being relatively low-pitched, snoring quality?
What do wheezes vs. rhonchi suggest?
- Wheezes = narrowed airways (asthma, COPD, bronchitis)
- Rhonchi = suggest secretions in large airways
Which adventitious breath sound is characterized as a wheeze that is entirely or predominantly inspiratory in nature?
What is stridor indicative of?
Partial obstruction of larynx or trachea (medical emergency = immediate attention needed)
What is Bronchophony; indicates what?
Spoken words become louder and clearer (indicates consolidation)
What is Egophony?
- The “ee” sounds like “A.”
- The “A” has a nasal bleating quality and should be localized
In patients with fever and cough, the presence of bronchial breath sounds and egophony more than triples the likelihood of what?
What is whispered pectoriloquy?
Whispers heard louder and clearer during auscultation
Which breath sound should be predominantly heard over an air-filled lung?