lab quiz 4 Flashcards
Peripheral IV
- Contains small, short, plastic catheter placed into a peripheral vein for short-term use
- placed in hands, wrists, forearm, biceps, feet, scalp, or mid-line
Central venous catheter
Contains a longer, larger plastic catheter that is placed in a more central vessel for long-term use
massive trauma situations
trauma, surgeries, multiple-vol infusions
blood transfusions or large-vol infusions
multipurpose use (meds, rehydration, routine therapies and infusions, IV contrast)
small veins and chemotherapy infusions
very fragile clients
Considerations for gerontologic patients (elderly)
- Use a smaller gauge/lower angle
- Avoid the back of the hand/places that are easily bumped
- Avoid friction while prepping the skin with alcohol
- Apply a tourniquet over clothing or use a BP cuff
- Stabilize the vein and avoid rolling by pulling the skin taut
- Avoid excess tape
- Monitor for bruising and swelling at the insertion site
Considerations for pediatric patients
- May need to use scalp
- Use appropriate IV gauge (22-24)
- Protect the IV site with appropriate stabilization devices
- Utilize local anesthetics (lidocaine or prilocaine, comes as gel, cream, or patch)
Preparing IV insertion
- Assessment: baseline, volume status, what might inhibit placement
- Collect equipment and supplies: catheter size, securement devices, cream
- Position patient: ensure patient is comfortable
- Provide patient education
- Patient identification
- Perform hand hygiene and apply gloves
Insterion technology assistance
- Veinviewer, veinfinder, accuvein
- Ultrasound
fluid/medication gets under the skin and into tissues, causing redness and swelling, can feel edges
- Irritating fluid gets under the skin and into the tissues
- red, painful, irritated
blood clot irritating the vein
red, warm, swollen, painful
failed IV site, previously used site, blood draws
clot, painful, may be able to feel it
insertion documentation
- Date and time
- Number of attempts
- Location
- IV gauge and length
- Dressing type
- Patient education and response
maintenance/status documentation
- IV site status
- Dressing status
- Patency of flush
- Aspiration and blood return
- Medication administration
- Fluid administration
Discontinuation documentation
- Date and time
- Catheter condition