Lab Midterm Review Flashcards
Labs 1=6
What are the general characteristics of a microbe?
They are ubiquitous and found in aquatic and terrestrial environments
Why during studying bacteria, it requires isolating desired bacterial species from environmental samples?
For the purpose of obtaining a pure culture of the desired microbe
What types of microorganisms will likely be isolated on the plates of Lab 1?
-Bacterial spores
-Fungal spores in the air
-Bacteria carried on dust particles
Will likely NOT obtain protozoan types
Out of liquid, solid, and slant culture media, which type is optimum for obtaining pure cultures?
Solid is the most optimum because you can obtain isolated colonies due to the flat agar plate
What factors would influence growth and how the growth might appear on solid media?
What is flocculent growth?
Growth as suspended chunks or pieces
What is sedimental growth?
Growth on the bottom
What is ring growth?
Growth at the top around the edge
What is pellicle growth?
Growth as a membrane at the top
What is uniform fine turbidity?
Evenly cloudy throughout
What are the 8 types of elevations?
Umbonate (nipple-like)
Raised, spreading edge
Flat, raised margin (two hills and a valley in between)
Growth into medium
What are the 5 types of margins?
Smooth (sphere-shaped)
Rhizoid (branch-like)
Irregular (erose/spiked)
Lobate (splatter-like)
Filamentous (pili-shaped)
What are the 4 types of whole colonies?
Round (sphere-shaped)
Irregular (blob-like)
Filamentous (pili-shaped)
Rhizoid (branch-like)
Describe the growth of Mycobacterium smegmatis
Solid media: fried egg appearance due to waxy cell membrane (mycolic acids)
Broth: a non-motile, waxy layer of bacteria leading to pellicle formation at the surface
Describe the growth of Streptomyces griseus
Solid media: dry texture, has a mold-like appearance
Describe the growth of Proteus mirabilis
Solid media: colonies spread (highly motile microbe)
Describe the growth of Serratis marscens
Solid media: forms red-colored pigment (when grown below 30 degrees Celsius)
Describe the growth of Bacillus subtilis
Solid media: soil odor; endospore-forming bacteria
Describe the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Solid media: produce pigments; blue-green (pyocyanin) & yellow-green (pyoverdine)
Describe the growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis
Broth: non-motile, sediment
Describe the growth of Enterobacter aerogenes
Broth: motile, produce uniform fine turbidity (UFT)