Lab (Midterm 1) Flashcards
what media is for isolating Staphylooccus aurus?
baird parker agar
what can be used to cultivate any general organism?
nutrient agar
what media is for cultivation and differentiation of fungi?
sabouraud dextrose agar
gram neg appears to be what color?
pink to red
gram pos appears to be what color?
formation of bubbles in the catalase test means what?
positive catalase activity
what media is used for differentiation of homofermentative lactobacilli and heterofermentatie streptococci?
HHD agar
homofermentative-heterfermentative differential
in HHD what does a yellow media around a colony mean?
homofermentative LAB is present
in HHD what does the presence of blue-green colonies mean?
heterofermentative LAB is present
growth on MRS agar plates means what?
presence of lactobacilli
what agar is used for selection and enumeration of yeasts and moulds?
what instruments measure specific gravity?
what does the vinometer measure?
alcohol content
what media is used for isolation and enumeration of yeasts and molds in dairy products?
what is used to isolate listeria monocytogenes from food?
what do the Listeria colonies look like?
Mannitol fermenting organisms?
other organisms
Listeria: grey-green with black precipitate
Mannitol fermenting org: yellow colonies with yellow halo
other organisms: gray colonies with brown-green halo