Lab Management Flashcards
What materials are enclosures typically constructed of? What substrates are typically used?
Glass, acrylic, stainless steel (frogs), fiberglass (frogs), and plastic. Natural substrates, such as moistened sphagnum moss and coco fiber, moist paper towels (salamanders).
What humidity do amphibians typically require? Exceptions?
70-80%, except for species that are found in arid environments.
Why must substrates be sterilized or disinfected prior to use?
Risk of introducing arthropod parasites, chytrid fungus, and amphibian viruses.
What pH is generally recommended? for substrates
Basic. Very acidic substrates can be acutely lethal, pH in the range of 3-4 causes death within months.
How do amphibians drink? How should water be provided?
Most do not drink water, but water is absorbed through skin.
Provided to terrestrial species in shallow dishes, through moistened substrate, or by misting.
Gravel in axolotl tanks must be how large?
Greater than 3cm in diameter to prevent ingestion and blockage.
What should semiaquatic frog and salamander species be provided?
A sloping floor or other means of facilitating emergence from water.
What are methods of removing chlorine and chloramines? What is produced with removal of chloramines?
Chlorine: Age for 24-48hr, aerate, add sodium thiosulfate, and pass through activated carbon filters
Chloramines: Unused, activated charcoal filter or sodium thiosulfate
Ammonia is release with sodium thiosulfate is added to chloramines. Zeolites can be used to remove excess ammonia.
At what water hardness should species that normally inhabit rainwater pools be housed? What occurs if hardwater species are housed at low water hardness?
Soft water. Species adapted to hard water develop edema and renal problems if chronically housed in soft water.
What water should axolotls be housed in? What water flow rate?
Hard water of modified Holtfreter’s solution. Come from slow moving bodies of water, suffer skin lesions if housed in systems with strong currents.
What should the pH of water be?
Start with 6.8-7.1, adjust to more basic if animal appears irritated or is anorectic.
Generally, what temperature do salamanders prefer?
Cooler than those of reptiles.
Generally, what types of light do amphibians prefer?
Most live in cool, dark environments, so direct exposure to bright light should be avoided. Frog species that are diurnal and bask should have access to full-spectrum light.
Generally, what should airflow be in an amphibian housing room?
Reduced, to prevent desiccation of habitat and animals. Alternatively, animals can be housed in enclosures which have minimal openings.
Why is excessive cleaning to many terrestrial amphibian species?
They scent mark