Lab Final Flashcards
cervical rotation inclinometry
- spots
- arrow
- plane
- top of head and T1 (use headband)
- red arrow!
- transverse
Thoracic rotation inclinometrey
- spots
- arrow
- plane
- T1 and T12
- red arrow
- transverse
Lumbar rotation inclinometry
- spots
- arrow
- plane
- L1 and S2
- red arrow
- transverse plane
Cervical Lateral flexion inclinometry
- spots
- arrow
- plane
- top of head and T1 (headband)
- yellow arrow
- frontal plane
thoracic lateral flexion inclinometry
- spots
- arrow
- plane
- T1 and T12
- yellow arrow
- frontal plane
Lumbar lateral flexion inclinometry
- spots
- arrow
- plane
- L1 and S2
- yellow arrow
- frontal plane
cervical flex/ext inclinometry
- spots
- arrow
- plane
- top of head and T1(headband)
- yellow arrow
- sagittal plane
thoracic flex/ext inclinometry
- spots
- arrow
- plane
- T1 and T12
- yellow arrow
- sagittal plane
lumbar flex/ext inclinometry
- spots
- arrow
- plane
- top of head and T1 (headband)
- yellow arrow
- sagittal plane
Shoulder Flexion- Gonimetry
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- normal ROM
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- supine, arm by side on table
- axis-head of humerus in glenoid fossa
- proximal–mid axillary line
- distal–midline of humerous, lateral epicondyle for ref
- ROM 180
Shoulder extension Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- prone, palm up, elbow straight
- head of humerous
- midaxillary line
- midline of humerous, lateral epi
- 60
Shoulder Abduction Goniometry
- plane and axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- frontal plane, A-P axis
- supine, forearm supinated, palm up
- acromion process, A-P
- parallel to sternum
- midline of humerus
- 180
Shoulder Adduction Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- frontal plane, A-P axis
- supine, shoulder flexed 90, palm facing opposite shouler
- acromion process
- parallel to table, pointing away from head
- anterior mid humeral line
- 50
- don’t let scapula raise, arm motion parallel to under their chin
Shoulder Internal Rotation Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- transverse plane, longitudinal axis
- supine, scooted to edge of table, shoulder and elbow at 90, palm towards feet
- olecranon
- perpendicular to table toward floor
- midline of forearm to ulnar styloid
- 70
- make sure shoulder doesn’t roll forward
Shoulder External Rotation Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- transverse plane, longitudinal axis
- supine, shoulder and elbow at 90
- olecranon
- perpendicular to table toward floor
- midline of forearm
- 90
Elbow Flexion Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane, coronal axis
- supine, forearm supinated
- lateral epicondyle
- midline humerus
- midline forearm
- 150
elbow extension goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- supine, forearm supinated
- lateral epicondyle
- midline humerous
- midline forearm
- 0
Wrist Flexion Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- supine, elbow at 90, palm facing feet
- medial wrist thru pisiform
- midline of forearm
- along 5th finger
- 80
Wrist Extension Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- supine, elbow at 90, palm toward feet, make sure fingers relaxed
- medial wrist thru pisiform
- midline of forearm
- along 5th finger
- 70
Wrist Radial Deviation Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- frontal plane around A-P axis
- supine, elbow 90, palm facing body
- midline of wrist near capitate
- midline of forearm
- midline of third finger
- 20
Wrist Ulnar Deviation Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- frontal plane around A-P axis
- supine, elbow 90, palm facing body
- midline of wrist near capitate
- midline of forearm
- thru third finger
- 30
Hip Flexion Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- supine, knee starts in extension but flexes as hip does, dont let opposite knee come off table
- greater trochanter
- midline of body
- midline of femur
- 120
Hip Extension Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- prone, knee extended, don’t let either ASIS lift off table
- greater trochanter
- midline of body
- midline of femur
- 30
Hip Abduction Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- frontal plane around A-P axis
- supine
- over ASIS
- over both ASIS, pt holds
- midline of femur
- 45
- red scale
Hip Adduction Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- frontal plane around A-P axis
- supine, opposite leg bent over side of table, and doc stands for stability
- ASIS on side being tested
- ASIS to ASIS, pt holds
- midline femur
- 30
- red scale
Hip External Rotation Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- transverse plane around longitudinal axis
- supine with hip and knee at 90, make sure leg doesn’t abduct, leg goes in
- center of patella
- parallel to side of table
- midline of tibia
- 45
Hip Internal Rotation Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- transverse plane around longitudinal axis
- supine and hip and knee at 90, make sure thigh doesn’t abduct, leg goes out
- center of patella
- parallel to side of table
- midline of tibia
- 45
Knee flexion Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- prone, knee extended
- lateral condyle
- midline of femur
- midline of calf
- 135
Knee Extension Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- supine, knee extended
- lateral condyle
- midline of femur
- midline of leg
- 0
Plantar Flexion Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- prone, knee and foot at 90
- lateral malleolus
- midline of leg
- parallel to 5th metatarsal
- 50
- red scale
Ankle Dorsiflexion Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- sagittal plane around coronal axis
- pone, knee and foot at 90
- lateral malleolus
- midline of leg
- parallel to 5th metatarsal
- 20
- red scale
Subtalar Inversion Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- frontal plane around A-P axis
- prone, knee extended, foot off table
- mid calcaneous between lateral and medial malleolus
- midline of leg
- midline of calcaneal bone
- 5
Subtalar Eversion Goniometry
- plane/axis
- position
- axis
- proximal arm
- distal arm
- frontal plane around A-P axis
- prone, knee extended, foot off table
- mid calcaneal bone b/t lateral and medial malleolus
- midline of tibia
- midline of calcaneal bone
- 5
Rules of muscle testing
- test at halfway point of ROM
- doctors vector is opposite action
- test all bilaterally
Extensor Hallicus Longus
- Innervation
- position
- stabilze
- pressure
- Deep peroneal
- supine
- support calcaneous
- against distal dorsal surface of big toe in direction of flexion
Tibialis Anterior
- innervation
- position
- stabilze
- pressure
-deep peroneal
-dorsiflexion and inversion
-against medial dorsum of foot in direction of down and out
Peroneus longus and brevis
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- superficial peroneal
- supine with foot medially rotated
- calf above ankle joint
- up and in
Psoas Major
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- lumbar plexus
- supine, legs in extension
- opposite iliac crest
- against anteromedial leg down and out
Tensor Facia Lata
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- superior gluteal, L4, L5, S1
- supine, leg abducted, flexed, medial rotated
- opposite shin
- against leg in direction of extension and adduction (down and in)
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- sacral plexus
- supine, knee and hip at 90, lateral/external rotation
- lower leg medial to lateral
- against thigh lateral to medial (push knee toward body)
- innervation
- position
- stablize
- pressure
- femoral, L2, L3
- supine, lateral rotation, abduction and flexion of knee
- above ankle
- against anterolateral lower thigh in direction of hip extension, adduction and medial rotation? (push in and pull foot down)
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- tibial nerve
- prone, knee flexed at 90
- calcaneus
- against forefoot in the direction of dorsiflexion
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- tibial
- prone, leg straight off table
- calcaneous
- against forefoot in direction of dorsiflexion
Medial Hamstring Group
- muscles
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- semitendinosus & semimembranosus
- sciatic nerve, tibial branch
- prone, flexion of knee with thigh in medial rotation and leg medially rotated on thigh
- above knee but not on muscle
- proximal leg in direction of knee extension
Lateral Hamstrings
- muscles
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- biceps femoris
- long head=tibial branch of sciatic and short head=peroneal branch of sciatic
- prone, flexion of knee with thigh in lateral rotation and leg laterally rotated on thigh
- above knee but do not cover muscle belly
- against leg proximal to ankle in direction of knee extension
Gluteus Maximus
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- inferior gluteal
- prone with knee flexed to 90
- above and below hip joint
- against lower part of posterior thigh in direction of hip flexion
Gluteus Medius
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- superior gluteal
- pt on side with bottom knee flexed to 90, top leg extended
- hip
- down?
Hip adductor group
- muscles
- innervations
- position
- pressure
- adductor magnus- obturator and sciatic
- adductor brevis and longus- obturator
- gracilis-obturator
- pectineus- obturator and femoral
- pt on side, holds table, doc holds upper leg, pt moves lower leg into adduction
- dr applies pressure in direction of abduction
Quadriceps Group
- muscles
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius
- femoral nerve
- seated
- below knee and under thigh
- against leg above ankle in direction of flexion
Pec Major Superior
- Innervation
- Position
- Stabilization
- Pressure
- Lateral Pectoral N.
- Supine, elbow extended, shoulder flexed 90* w/ slight medial rotation and adducted towards sternoclavicular jxn
- Stabilize opposite shoulder
- Pull just distal to elbow into horizontal abduction
Pec Major Inferior
- innervation
- position
- stabilization
- pressure
- Lateral & medial Pectoral
- Supine, elbow extended, shoulder flexed 90* and slight medial rotation
- Stabilize opposite Iliac crest
- Pressure obliquely against forearm, laterally and towards the cranium.
Rectus Abdominus
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- iliohypogastric/ilioinguinal
- supine, knees bent, feet flat
- across knees
- ask pt to perform partial sit up and cross arms, pressure against crossed arms from A to P
Oblique abdominal group
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal
- supine, arms crossed, knees bent, partial sit up, lat flex and rotate away from tested side
- across knees
- pressure against crossed arms A to P
Teres Major
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- Lower sub scapular n
- Prone, place their hand on their back so elbow sticks out
- Stabilize opposite shoulder being tested
- Pressure to move elbow into table (hand above their elbow)
Anterior medial neck flexors
- muscles and innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- scalenus Anticus, Medius, Posticus= C3-C8
- longus colli and capitus= C1-C6
- supine, head slightly 10d rotated to opposite side tested, pt lifts head
- below head
- pressure AtoP above hairline
Posterior Neck Extensor
- muscles
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- semispinalis capitus, cervicis
- splenuis capitus, cervicis
- C1-C8
- prone, head rotated 10d to same side, pt lifts head
- below head
- pressure form P-A
Elbow Flexor Group
- muscles
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- biceps brachii, brachialis
- musculocutaneous nerve
- seated, arm at side, elbow at 90, palm up
- stabilize above elbow
- pressure in direction of extension
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- radial nerve
- seated, arm slightly away from side, elbow flexed at 90, palm toward midline
- above elbow
- direction of extension
Triceps Brachii
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- radial nerve
- just like ortho
Anterior Deltoid
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- axillary
- seated, arm and elbow at 90, slightly anterior
- above shoulder joint, stand behind
- S to I and A to P (down and back)
Middle Deltoid
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- axillary
- seated, arm and elbow 90
- stand behind, stabilize above shoulder
- pressure straight down
Posterior Deltoid
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- axillary
- seated, arm and elbow at 90, slightly posterior
- above shoulder
- S to I and P to A (down and forward)
Serratus Anterior
- innervation
- position
- stabilization
- pressure
- Long Thoracic N.
- Supine, elbow extended, shoulder at 90*, patient projects arm forward
- Stabilize under shoulder at inferior angle of scapula
- Pressure arm down into table holding proximal to wrist
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- Upper & Lower Subscapular N.
- Prone, laying close to opposite edge of table to support upper arm, elbow & shoulder 90* medially rotated
- Stabilize under biceps
- Pressure against forearm trying to externally rotate humerus
Teres Minor
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- Axillary N.
- Seated, elbow 90*, arm slightly abducted.
- Stabilize upper arm proximal to elbow
- Pressure forearm into their side to medially rotate humerus
Trapezius Superior
- innervation
- position
- pressure
- Spinal Accessory N.
- Seated, head laterally flexed to side tested, elevate that shoulder and rotate head away.
- Pressure - against side of head and shoulder trying to separate them
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- Dorsal Scapular N
- Seated, elbow flexed w/ shoulder slightly adducted
- Stabilize ipsilateral shoulder
- Pressure in slight circular/oblique motion drawing elbow forward and out
Latissimus Dorsi
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- Thoracodorsal N
- Standing, arm adducted w/ extension and medially rotated
- Stabilize anterior shoulder being tested
- Pressure against forearm P-A
- innervation
- position
- stabilize
- pressure
- Suprascapular N.
- Standing, head laterally flexed to side tested, extend head and rotate away, abduct arm ~15-20*
- Stabilize the opposite upper arm
- Press on forearm lateral to medial
when to use red scale goniometry
Shoulder Adduction Hip abduction Hip adduction ankle dorsiflexion ankle plantar flexion
- spinal accessory nerve
- same test and anterior neck flexors