Lab Exercise nos. 3, 4, and 5 Flashcards
- fundamental structural and functional unit of life (no exceptions – these are for all living organisms)
- possess the hereditary material
Organisms life depends upon ____
Organisms life (for both unicellular and multicellular) depends upon the integrity of cell structures and its stability is kept by energy transformation
Types of Cell
Prokaryote/Prokaryotic cell
Eukaryote/Eukaryotic cell
Prokaryotic Cell
- simpler and smaller (1-10µm in diameter)
- absence of nucleus and most membranous organelles
- flagella (for mobility) and pili (for communication between cells) is found on its surface
- cell wall (additional covering other than plasma membrane; contributes to cell’s rigidity); capsule (another additional covering in some bacteria)
- cytoplasm contains DNA, ribosomes and various inclusions
Prokaryotic Cell example
Bacteria and Archaea
Eukaryotic Cell
-complex and larger than prokaryotic cell (10-100µm in diameter)
-presence of nucleus and membranous organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex, lysosome, mitochondria, microbodies, vacuoles, and chloroplasts (for plants only), cytoskeleton (for mechanical support)
-cell wall (additional covering for plants only);
plasma membrane (cell’s covering)
-cytoplasm contains organelles
Example of Eukaryotic Cells
Animals, Plants, Fungi, and Algae
What does “integrity” of the cell structure suggest?
It suggests it is working well/it does its function well.
What do cell activities require?
First and foremost, different cell activities requires energy and energy can be converted to different forms.
What does “pro” in prokaryote mean?
Means “before”
What does “eu” in eukaryote mean?
Means “true”
What is the root word of both prokaryote and eukaryote?
Karyon – which means nucleus
What is the size of prokaryotic cells compared to eukaryotic cells?
It is about 1/10 the size of eukaryotic cells.
What happens to hereditary material if there is no nucleus?
- the DNA is naked because of the absence of the nucleus
What does membranous organelles mean?
Keep in mind that not only the cell has covering, but organelles themselves have what is called the “organelle membrane” or “membrane bounded”
note: the latter term is found in the lab manual
What is the purpose of the cell wall in prokaryotic cells?
To contribute to rigidity.
What is the shape of the flagella?
It appears to be whipped-like in appearance
What is the position of cell wall and cell membrane respectively?
Outer and inner
What will the cell wall and cell membrane do?
These coverings will protect the cell from the outside environment – both of them.
Just a space where you can find the DNA
True or false. The nucleus is not an organelle.
FALSE. The nucleus is an organelle (especially when referred to the lab manual).
What is the reason why the cell has distinct shapes?
Because of the presence of the cytoskeleton.
Boundaries of cytoplasm
Bet. the outside of the nucleus and the plasma membrane.
What does a cell mainly consist of?
The cell mainly consists of a fluid filled space called cytoplasm.