LAB EXAM: Nerve Action Potential Flashcards
When studying the sciatic nerve and placing stimulating electrodes in the middle of the nerve, how can you tell that there is an impulse travelling in both directions? Why is this happening?
There are two spikes on either side of the artifact, indicating that an impulse is being propagated both up and down the axon.
This is NOT due to the fact that the sciatic nerve contains both afferent and efferent axons, which carry signals different ways, both to and from the CNS. The sciatic nerve only contains axons, which do not know if they are efferent or afferent or not because they have no cell bodies.
The reason why they are travelling in multiple directions is because when an axon is stimulated in the middle, neither proximal or distal portions of the axon were in refractory (like they would be if the AP was started at the axon hillock)
Explain the difference between orthodromic and antidromic conduction
orthodromic conduction propagates an electrical nerve impulse the most normal way towards the axon terminal from the cell body
antidromic conduction is the opposite of orthodromic, and actually propagates the action potential towards the cell body. this can happen if the axon is initially stimulated in the middle, meaning the previous nodes are not in refractory period.
What happens in vivo to ensure that nerve conduction remains only “one way”?
There are refractory periods that occur that prevent the back flow of action potentials. Also, synapses only move one direction.
Would you expect the same results of ortho and antidromic conduction with a singly axon across the nerve chamber?
no, a single axon has mechanisms to prevent the back flow of propagation; there will be no antidromic conduction IN VIVO
The _____ represents
the time when a new action potential cannot be initiated by normal events, in a region that has just
undergone an action potential.
refractory period
During an experiment, how would you determine the Nerve Trunk Refractory period?
when you stimulate a nerve at various intervals, letting less and less time go by before eliciting another sitmulation. At the interval where the SECOND CAP disappears, that thee nerve trunk refractory period. The stimulations are too close together and the axon is still in refractory period when the second stimulation happens, which is why no CAP is elicited.
What is the Nerve Trunk Refractory Period?
the time at which all the neurons in the sciatic nerve trunk are refractory.
ALL Individual axons are in their absolute OR relative refractory periods and therefore are unresponsive to a second stimulus, even if it is as strong as the first.
What is the Total Refractory Period?
the interval where the second CAP becomes as large as the first. The time interval when the CAPS are the SAME SIZE.
What happens to the second CAP size when the stimulation interval is in between nerve trunk and total refractory period?
Between the nerve trunk and total refractory
periods, the CAP is reduced in size because all of the many neurons which make up the nerve are not at the same membrane potential.
Again, some are still in their individual absolute or relative
refractory period and therefore are unresponsive to a second stimulus
. As the delay between the
twin pulses INCREASES, the second CAP increases in size because increasing numbers of neurons become responsive to the second stimulus
The ___ ___ ___ represents the MINIMUM time required for all the neurons within the nerve to return to their respective resting membrane potentials.
Total refractory period
How could you determine if some of the individuals neurons are in their relative refractory period?
the second CAP would be smaller than the first cap, but would still be visible. there would be less neurons firing at the second stimulation because they are in a refractory period, resulting in a smaller amplitude.
Relationship between pulse duration and amplitude voltage in order to maintain CAP height
as the duration of electrical stimulation increases, less voltage is needed in order to sustain a CAP of the same magnitude.
What is rheobase?
the minimum strength needed OF CONSTANT DURATION that results in the depolarization threshold of the cell membranes being reached
ex/ the rheobase was determined to be around 465mV, which means a CAP will always be sustained as long as the duration is long enough.
the strength of stimulus and duration it takes to achieve CAPS of the same amplitude is ____ related
INVERSELY related. as the strength of the applied current increases, the time required to stimulate the membrane decreases (and vice versa) to maintain a constant effect.
the minimum TIME required for an electric current that is double the strength of the rheobase to stimulated a neuron or muscle.
Chronaxis is dependent on the density of ___ ___ ___ Channels in the cell, which affect the cells excitability.
chronaxie is dependent on the density of voltage-gated sodium channels in the cell, which affect that cell’s excitability.