Lab Exam 2 Slide Material Flashcards
Two reasons why we might estimate VO2max
- Prescription: intensity and supervision
- Direct measurement of VO2max not always possible
What reasons make direct measurment of Vo2max not always possible
expensive equipment, trained staff, time constraints, large groups, motivation, medical considerations
Non-exercise regression equations are based on what 5 factors
age, sex, BMI, PA-R (Physical Activity Rating), and PFA (Perceived Functional Ability)
Sub-max heart rate regression equations (2)
- Extrapolation using age-predicted max HR
- Queen’s College Step Test
To extrapolate VO2max based on submax HR what two values do we need
measure HR @ at least two submax workloads
* 120 bpm up to 70-85% predicted maximal HR
How to extrapolate subma HR to estimate VO2max
- draw line thru HR points and extrapolate to the predicted HRmax
- Draw another line down from that point to the x-axis and identify VO2max
HR (bpm) vs VO2 (ml/kg/min)
What is queens college step test based on
recovery HR
Queens College Step Test Protocol
- 4-step cadence
- Men: 24 step ups/min
- Women: 22 step ups/min
- 3 min of stepping
- 5 seconds after stepping, measure HR for 15 sec
Measuring HR using radial pulse
place your index and middle fingers together on
the opposite wrist, about 1/2 inch on
the inside of the joint, in line with the
index finger. Once you find a pulse,
count the number of beats you feel
within a fifteen second period and
multiply that number by 4
Predictive VO2max regression equations are derived from actually measuring what
VO2max in large numbers of subjects
Standard error of the estimate (SEE)
How far off the predicted VO2max is from the measured value
* 1 SEE described 68% of estimates
* VO2max estimated from HR in submax test: SEE = 5 ml/kg/min
Three assumptions that contribute to the SEE
- Linearity of the HR-VO2 relationship: relationship is linear but slope is affected by factors like diet, hydration, emotion, temp)
- Max HR can be estimated based on age: standard deviation at same age is +/- 10 bpm
- Assumed exercise economy: there’s varaition in exercise economy based on factors like individual variation, cadence, and test modality
Significance of this graph
Shows that when exercise intensities are set based on VO2R, the percent values are approximately equal to %HRR because the reserve methods are used to account for variability in fitness.
The red line (reserve line) is coupled over the entire range of exercises, and thus might be more accurate for prescribing intensities.
The blue line shoes that one individuals 50% HRmax may not represent their 50% VO2max
American college od sports medicine recommendations for cardiorespiratory endurance exercise (mode, frequency, duration, intensity)
Mode: use large muscle groups
Frequency: 3-5 days per week
Duration: 20-60 minutes
Intensity: moderate and/or vigorous exercise
Why is it beneficial to know your body composition, in particular
- body fat
- lean body mass
- bone density
Anthropometric health risk assessments (2)
- body mass index (kg/m^2) - body size
- waist circumference (cm) - body fatness
BMI for obesity
BMI greater than or equal to 30
BMI > 30 is associated with health problems
Is BMI used to predict body fat %
BMI is used to classify body sizes and predict risk of disease
Is a BMI between 25-34.9 meaningful
Its within the range of over weight to obese (class I) however usually needs more info
For adults that are not resistance training, each pound gained is due to
body fat
What type of adiposity is waist circumference used to measure
& a downside
used to measure abdominal (visceral) adiposity
* we still have subcutaneous fat in abdomen so we cannot differentiate these
two types of obsesity depending on location of fat
- Upper body obesity (android): fat primarily in abdominal region - greater health risk due to fat surrounding organs
- Lower body obesity (gynoid): fat primarily in the hips and thighs - less health risk