Lab Exam #2 Flashcards
anaerobic threshold
transition from predominantly aerobic energy production to anaerobic energy production as work increase
aerobic exercise
performed in presence of oxygen
oxydative metabolic pathways are dominant source of energy production
anaerobic exercise
performed in absence of oxygen
anaerobic metabolic pathways are dominant source of energy production
definition of anaerobic threshold in relation to ventilation rate
last oxygen uptake rate (VO2) fitting the linear trend when expired ventilation rate is plotted against VO2
methods to identify anaerobic threshold
identification of breakaway in ventilation rate
identification of breakaway in lactate acid production
identificationo of breakaway in carbon dioxide production rate
rating of perceived exertion (RPE) of 15-16
maximal oxygen uptake rate (VO2max)
maximal rate at which oxygen can be consumed per minute
highest VO2 value during max effort
what is VO2max expressed as?
L/min or ml/kg/min
criteria indicating that VO2max was used
plateau or decrease in VO2 as workload increases
HR within 10 bpm of age predicted max HR
respiratory exchange ratio (R) greater than 1.0
rating of perceived exertion (RPE) of 18-20
when are anaerobic threshold and VO2max used
prediction of cardiorespiratory fitness
prediction of endurance performance capabilities
exercise prescription
setting long-term work paces
setting tolerance to environmental extremes
what is cardiorespiratory endurance
ability of lungs and heart to take in and transport adequate amounts of oxygen to working muscles
what does cardiorespiratory endurance allow
activities involving large muscle mass over long periods of time
fick equation
VO2 = Q (cardia output) x O2 extration by muscle
equation for cardiac output
Q = SV x HR
O2 extraction by muscle
arterial - venous O2 level
total work of endurance training
intensity x duration
effects of edurance training on oxygen uptake rate
rest: no change
submax. exericise: decreased
max. exercise: increased
effects of endurance training on cardiac output
rest: no change
submax. exercise: decreased
max. exercise: increased
effects of endurance training on stroke volume
rest: increased
submax. exercise: increased
max. exercise: increased
effects of endurance training on heart rate
rest: decreased
submax. exercise: decreased
max. exercise: no change
effects of endurance training on A-V O2 difference
rest: no change
submax. exercise: increased
max. exercise: increased
what does VO2 max reflect
power or capacity of aerobic system
what does the anaerobic threshold reflect
onset of metabolic acidosis
how can anaerobic threshold be determined
by measuring increase in blood lactate (lacate threshold) or meauring expired ventilation rate and gases (ventilatory threshold)
identification of ventilatory threshold
nonlinear increase in expired ventilation rate
nonlinear increase in carbon dioxide production rate
increase in fraction of oxygen in expired air without decrease in fraction of carbon dioxide in expired air
increasing respiratorxy quotient
low fitness classification based on VO2max
females: < (or even) 29 ml/kg/min
Males: < (or even) 34 ml/kg/min
exercise prescription for low fitness classification individuals
Intensity: 60-70% of maxHR 50-60% of VO2max RPE = 11-13 unaware of ventilation rate breathing rate and depth comfortable Duration: 20-30 min per session Frequency: 3 days per week
moderate fitness classifiaction based on VO2max
females: 30-44 ml/kg/min
males: 35-49 ml/kg/min
exercise prescription for moderate fitness classification individuals
Intensity: 70-80% of maxHR 60-75% of VO2max RPE = 13 - 15 aware of ventilation rate (increased breathing rate and depth) Duration: 30 - 45 min per session Frequency: 4 days per week
high fitness classification based on VO2max
females >(or even) 45 ml/kg/min
males >(or even) 50 ml/kg/min
exercise prescription for high fitness classification individuals
Intensity: 80-90% of maxHR 75-85% of VO2max RPE = 15-17 hyperventilatory response respiraory distress (rapid breathing rate) Duration: 45-60 min per session Frequency: 5 days per week
what is endurance capability reflected by
ability to take in and utilize oxygen
oxygen consumption rate (VO2)
relationship between oxygen uptake rate (VO2) and workload
relationship between HR and workload
relationship between oxygen uptake rate (VO2) and HR
predicted maximal heart rate
220-age in yr.
bw in kg
bw (lb)/2.2
calculation of steady state workload value
workload (kg) x 50rpm x 6 meters
calculation of steady state HR
(sum of last two workload values) / 2
max oxygen uptake rate adjusted for age
(oxygen uptake rate value from table) x correction factor for age from table = L/min
conversion of max oxygen uptake rate into ml/kg/min
max oxygen uptake rate in L/min x 1000/BW(kg)
steps for the max oxygen uptake rate determination
predicted max HR steady state workload steady state HR max oxygen uptake rate (table) adjustment for age (table) conversion into ml/kg/min
what does the ability to utilize oxygen invlove
internal and extenal respiration
external respiration
taking air into the lungs
internal respiration
extraction of oxygen from alveoli into blood
what affet lung volume
body size, gender, age, body position, physical activity
relation between lung volume and body position
volume smaller in supine position than in upright position
tital volume
volume inspired or expired per breath
increases during exercise
inspirational reserve volume (IRV)
max volume inspired from end inspiration
decreases during exercise
residual volume (RV)
volume remaining at end of max expiration
slight increase during exercise
expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
max volume expired from end expiration
slight decrease during exercise
total lung capacity (TLC)
volume in lung at end of max inspiration
slight decrease during exercise
vital capacity (VC)
max volume forcefully expired after max inspiration
slight decrease during exercise
inspiratory capacity (IC)
max volume inspired from resting expiratory level
increase during exercise
functional residual volume (FRC)
volume in lungs at resting expiratory level
slight increase during exercise
average forced expiratory volume (FEV) at 1 sec
75-80% of vital volume
average forced expiratory volume (FEV) at 2 sec
85-90% of vital volume
average forced expiratory volume (FEV) at 3 se
95-100% of vital volume
calculation of tital volume
B - C x BTPS
calculation of inspiratory reserve volume
C - D x BTPS
calculation of inspiratory capacity
B - D x BTPS
Inspiratory reserve volume + Tidal volume
expiratory reserve volume calculation
A(J if higher than A) - B x BTPS
calculation of vital capacity
A(J if higher than A) - D x BTPS
Expiratory Reserve Volume + Inspiratory capacity
calculation of residual volume
VC x age factor (0.24 for men, 0.28 for female)
calculation for total lung capacity
vital capacity + residual volume
calculation of Forced expiratory volume at 1 sec (FEV1.0)
H(value after 1 sec) - D x BTPS
% of Vital Capacity at 1 sec
FEV1.0 / VC
calculation of Forced expiratory volume at 2 sec (FEV2.0)
I(value after 2 sec) - D x BTPS
% of vital capacity at 2 sec
FEV 2.0 / VC
calculation of Forced expiratory volume at 3 sec (FEV3.0)
J(value after 3 sec) - D x BTPS
% of vital capacity at 3 sec
FEV 3.0 / VC
method to most accurate measure fat and lean tissue in living human
underwater weighing
lean body tissue
everything but fat tissue
bones, muscles, vital organs
has a higher density
what measures must be utilized to determine body composition under water
residual lung volume
body weight
body weight while submerged
steps of calculating body composition
calculation of residual volume convert BW into kg determine true under water weight determine water density (table) calculate body volume (given) calculate body density (given) convert body denisty to % fat (given) calculation of fat weight and lean body weight
calculation of residual volume in body composition test
determination of BTPS
higherst VC value x BTPS
(VC x BTPS) x age value (men 0.24)
determination of true under water weight
under water weight of subject - apparatus
calculation of fat weight (FW)
(BW x (%fat/100))
calculation of lean body weight (LBW)
setting body weight goal calculation
set target %fat
BW goal in kg = (LBW / (1 - (target %fat/100))
ideal BW goal
current LBW / desired % LBW(decimal)
1 nutritional problem in the US
determination values of obesity
male: %fat > 25%
female: %fat > 30%
child and adult obesity in the US
both increasing
what does archimedes principle state
an object submerged in water is bouyed up by a force equal to the volume of water displaced and that the volume of water displaced is equal to the weight lost by an object immersed in water
specific gravity
weight of an object in air / weight of an equal volume of water
specific gravity of lean body mass
1.1 kg/L
specific gravity of fat mass
0.9 kg/L
body volume according to archimedes
weight in air - weight in water
body density
body weight / body volume
what is obesity related to
medical abnormalities (coronary heart disease, impaired carbohydrate metabolism, hypertension…)
what do behavioral causes of regulatory obesity include
lack of activity
excess caloric consumption
associtation of food with emotional response
social and cultural pressures of food consumption
essential minimal fat values
men: 4%
female: 8-12%
optimal health in fat %
male: 10 - 25%
female: 18 - 30%
types of obesity
hypertrophic or maturity onset obesity (increase infat cell size)
hyperplastic or juvenile onset obesity (increase in fat cell size and #, and 80% carryover to adulthood)
factors influencing caloric intake rate
food energy value
type of food
caloric expenditure
basal metabolic rate
physical activity level
food processing
exercise benefits related to weight control
increased caloric expenditure
counteracts potential decrease in basal metabolic
prevents loss of lean body weight
compliments behavior
what has been utilized as a more practical technique to measure body composition
anthropometric measurements
three basic types of anthropometric measures
skinfold thickness
trunk and limb diameter
trunk and limb circumference (Umfang)
what are errors in the anthropometric measurements called that represent bounds of accuracy
standart errors of estimate S.E.E.
equation selection criteria in anthropometric measurements
sex or gender age athletes vs. non-athlete or active vs. non-active race or ethnicity statistical consideration
body weight (Fat weight) loss calculation
current body weight - ideal body weight goal
what are circumferences used for
to measure fat, muscle & bone
do anthropometric measurements
measurements of somatogram
body proportionality
body weight to frame size relations (over or under BW)
high or low fat levels
high or low muscularity
what is used to calculate reference wight
diameters along with height and left and right extremity diameter
what does reference weight establish
a reference weight goal (BW goal) + needed changes in fat weight and lean body weight
what is reference weight goal based on
frame (skeletal) size and the needed change in in body weight to meet goal
calculation of reference weight
record all diameter values
sum of all forms total diameter
divide total diameter by body constant -> receive value “A”
square A -> “A2” (squared)
multiply A2(squared) by height in cm -> “B”
multiply “B” by constant 0.0111 -> reference weight
subtract reference weight from bw
how is reference weight shown
in kg
interpretation of reference weight
if BW within 5 kg of reference weight -> normal weight relative to frame size
if BW is more than 5 kg below reference weight -> underweight relative to frame size
if BW is more than 5 kg above reference weight -> overweight related to frame size
what happens in relation with reference weight and target value for % fat when body compositions are also assessed
reference weight and target value % Fat are used in combination to determine fat weight and lean body weight goals
FW goal calculation with reference weight and target value %fat
(RW x (Target %fat / 100))
BBW goal with reference weight and target % fat value
(RW - FW)
body constants for reference weight calculations
male: 31.58
female: 31.10
cange in FW and LBW
FW/LBW goal - FW/LBW current
what does somatotype include
uses 3 skinfolds to determine a rating of fatness
using a few skinfolds, circumferences and diameters + height to determine a rating of muscularity
uses height and bw to determine a rating of linearity
body mass index
uses height and bw to determine ratings of obese, overweight, normal weight, and underweight
calculation of body mass index
bw in kg / height in square meters
determination of bmi on nomogram
connect weight in kg with height in m with straight line -> cross at bmi
interpretation of BMI
underweight < 18.5
normal weight 18.5 - 24.9
overweight 25.0 - 29.9
obese >(or even) 30,0
which equation is for anthropometric measurments used when person is a couch potato
high R
low S.E.E.
which equation is for anthropometric measurments used when person is an athletic person
lowest R
highest S.E.E
when is a body normal build based on somatogram values
if all proportions are between 95 and 105
how are body weight-frame size relations indicated
by wrist, knee and ankle proportions
when is overweight/underweight indicated based on bw frame size relations
overweight if proportions are < 95
underweight if proportions > 105
from where are large body fat distributions usually reflected in the anthropometric measurement
high/low fat values in anthropometric measurement
high fat values/overweight > 105
low fat values/underweight < 95
location for high/low muscularity measurements in anthropometric measurements
flexed arm
muscle tissue measurements in anthropometric measurements
overweight > 105
underweight < 95
optimal fitness fat %
male: 12 - 18%
female: 16 - 25%
most athletes´ fat%
male: 5 - 13%
female: 12 - 22%
national 50th percentile fat%
male: 15%
female: 25%