Lab E2 Flashcards
Where do fibers from the anterior thalamic nucleus project?
Cingulate gyrus
What lies rostral to the cerebellar primary fissure?
Anterior lobe
What lies on either side of the claustrum?
Lateral: extreme capsule
Medial: external capsule
What does the callosal marginal artery arise from?
Lesion of oculomotor nucleus produces what symptoms?
Ipsilateral down and out eye
The vestibular area integrates info from which two systems?
Cerebellar and vestibular
Damage to CN XII causes what physical manifestations?
At or above nucleus: deviation of tongue contralateral to lesion
Below nucleus: deviation of tongue ipsilateral to lesion
Where does VL thalamus receive input from?
Cerebellum, globus pallidus
What sensory information is associated with the lateral geniculate body?
Which cranial nerves is the solitary nucleus associated with?
Visceral sensory for CN VII, IX, X
Where does the pyramidal decussation synapse above the medulla?
VPL of thalamus
Which neurotransmitter is utilized by the putamen?
Fibers from the septal nuclei, the pre-optic hypothalamic region, and the anterior thalamic nuclei project to the habenula via what structure?
Stria terminalis
Where does the spinal trigeminal tract synapse in the thalamus?
Face: VPM
Body: VPL
Fibers from which spinal cord tract pass through the superior cerebellar peduncle?
Ventral spinocerebellar
The occipital 2/3 of the parahippocampal gyrus are supplied by what vessel?
Which thalamic nucleus does the cingulate gyrus receive projections from?
What sensations are associated with fasciculus gracilis? Lesion would produce deficits on which side of the body?
Vibration, proprioception, fine touch, and pressure
Agenesis of the cerebellar vermis is associated with what disease?
Dandy Walker
What type of autonomic neurons does the Edinger-Westphal nucleus project?
Preganglionic parasympathetic
Fibers from the inferior olivary nucleus project to the cerebellum via what structure?
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
Herniation of the cerebellar tonsil is associated with what syndrome?
Arnold Chiari malformation
What is the outflow tract of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle?
Interventricular foramen (of Monro)
What forms the corpus striatum?
Caudate and lentiform nuclei
What cranial nerve does the flocculus receive projections from?
A lesion in the superior colliculus can cause what syndrome?
Parinaud’s (paralysis of conjugate vertical gaze)
What is the blood supply to the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle?
Anterior choroidal artery
What lamina is the dorsal nucleus of Clarke found in?
Where do fibers from the dentate nucleus project to?
Contralateral ventral lateral nucleus
Damage to the substantia nigra pars compacta is associated with what condition?
What forms the thalamic fasciculus?
Ansa lenticularis and lenticular fasciculus
Destruction of the MLF and abducens nucleus causes what syndrome?
One and a half syndrome
Ophthalmic artery is a branch of which vessel?
Where do fibers from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus synapse?
Ciliary ganglion
Dorsal root ganglion contains what kind of neurons?
Lesion of the corticospinal tract produces what deficits?
Contralateral hemiplegia of UE, LE, trunk
Lesion of the medial lemniscus produces what deficits?
Contralateral loss of position sense, vibratory sense, and discriminative touch
PICA occlusion causes what symptoms?
Wallenberg syndrome:
Contralateral loss of pain/temp in body Ipsilateral loss of pain/temp in face Dysphagia Hoarseness Ipsilateral Horner syndrome
What structure does a cerebellar tonsil herniation occlude?
Foramen magnum
Abducens nucleus lesion would produce what symptoms?
Ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle paralysis
What structures lie beneath the facial colliculus?
Facial nerve fibers, abducens nucleus
Where does CN XII exit from?
Preolivary sulcus
Optic chiasm lesion produces what deficits?
Bitemporal hemianopia
Optic tract lesion produces what deficits?
Contralateral homonymous hemianopia
Increased intracranial pressure leaves the uncus prone to what complication?
Transtentorial herniation
Red nucleus lesion results in what condition?
What vitamin deficiency affects the mammillary bodies?
B1 (Thiamine)
A pineal gland tumor results in what characteristic symptoms?
Upward gaze paralysis
Eyelid retraction
What neurotransmitter do Purkinje cells produce?
Bilateral damage to the amygdala causes what syndrome?
Kluver Bucy
Atrophy of the caudate nucleus is the hallmark of what disease?
What nuclei are found in the vermis?
What efferent fibers does the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus carry?
MLF lesion causes what symptoms?
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia