Lab D 6 Metabolic parameters; lipids Flashcards
Presence of lipaemia, analysis method
- To differentiate chylomicrons (after a meal) from other lipids in blood plasma.
- Freeze plasma (-18C), wait 12-24h, warm up slowly, centrifuge -> protein part of chylomicrons coagulate
- If the layer under the fat (which is located on top of the plasma) is clear: lipaemia caused by food intake, in this case plasma is ready for measurement
Presence of lipaemia, analysis method;
If the layer under the fat (which is located on top of the plasma) is clear:
Lipaemia caused by food intake, in this case plasma is ready for measurement
Presence of lipaemia, analysis method; If the layer under the fat (which is located on top of the plasma) is not clear:
It means that there is an increased lipid mobilization from the fat stores
Causes of hyperlipidaemia
- Hyperlipidaemia in ponies
- Increased fat content in diet
- Diabetes mellitus (decreased FFA, influx into the cells)
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperadrenocorticism or glucocorticosteroid therapy
- Nephrotic syndrome
- Septicaemia (energy deficiency)
- Pancreatitis (lipase activation)
- Idiopathic - familiar hyperlipidaemia in miniature schnauzers, beagles
Causes of decreased lipid content
- Starvation (long term)
- Liver failure (ex. portosystemic shunt - PSS)
- Malabsorption, maldigestion (ex. exocrine pancreaticinsufficiency - EPI)
Lipid absorption test, why do we perform this test
- To determine whether there is malabsorption, maldigestion or chronic bowel disease
Lipid absorption test, normal response
- When there is fast lipid intake in normal conditions, plasma triglycerol concentrations rises to twice the normal value
When there is fast lipid intake in normal conditions, plasma triglycerol concentrations rises to twice the normal value , what is the normal value for dogs?
Lipid absorption test, method
- Animal starved for 24h
- Blood sampling, then 3ml/kg bw corn oil is given orally, blood sampling at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th hours after administration, blood should be lipaemic and triglycerol conc must show minimal 2fold rise from normal value
- If no change: have to repeat test by giving predigesten corn oil. Predigested by pancreatic enszyme extract mixed in corn oil and incubated at 37C -> give same dose and check lipaemia every hour
- -> If then the result is increased value of triglycerides, we can suspect exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. If still no change, we can suspect intestinal absorption defect
Lipid absorption test, method - if no change in triglyceride value we can suspect
If no change: have to repeat test by giving predigesten corn oil. Predigested by pancreatic enszyme extract mixed in corn oil and incubated at 37C -> give same dose and check lipaemia every hour
–> If then the result is increased value of triglycerides, we can suspect exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
Lipid absorption test, method - if no change in triglyceride value even after giving predigested corn oil we can suspect
If still no change, we can suspect intestinal absorption defect
Total cholesterol and cholesterol-ester, detecting what?
We use cholesterol measurements for detection of increased fat mobilization - in this case the total cholesterol value increases and cholesterol catabolism decreases
Important: how much (%) of the total cholesterol value is the cholesterol-ester?
Cholesterol-ester is 40% of the total cholesterol value
Decreased esterification of cholesterol as a result of impaired liver-function and decreased apolipoprotein production, causes decreased?
Total cholesterol concentration
Causes of hypocholesterolaemia
- Malnutrition
- Liver failure (decreased synthesis)
- Neoplastic disease
- Hyperthyreosis (increased use)
- Decreased apolipoprotein synthesis
Causes of hypercholesterolaemia
- Increased dietary fat content
- Hypothyroidism
- Hyperadrenocorticism
- Diabetes mellitus
- Nephrotic syndrome (concurrent low TP) (concurrent - operating at the same time)
- Cholestatic disease (increased leakage from liver due to bilde duct obstruction)
- Idiopathic - primary dyslipidosis
Free fatty acids, why is measurement useful?
- FFA or NEFA (non-esterified) conc measurement is useful to detect increased or decreased lipid mobilization
Free fatty acids; What is the major enzyme breaking down lipids from triglycerols in tissue due to energy deficiency?
Non specific tissue lipase
In ruminants, a severe energy deficiency can cause?
Increased blood FFA concentration as a result of the energy need. From fat stores FFA is mobilized in order to cover energy (carbohydrate) deficiency.
From fat stores FFA is mobilized in order to cover energy (carbohydrate) deficiency. FFA can therefore?
Compensate energy deficiency until liver is able to produce enough OAA (oxalo acetic acid) for the beta oxidation
As a result of starvation (energy deficiency) and as a consequence - glycogen deficiency of the liver, or lipid mobilisation syndrome and hepatic lipidosis, total lipid concentration decreases because liver can not produce enough apolipoproteins for transporting lipids, however FFa concentration will?
increase, because it is transported by albumin
Average normal values: Free fatty acids (FFA)
0,1-0,3 mmol/L
Average normal values: Total lipid (TL)
5-7 mmol/L
Average normal values: Triacylglycerol (TG)
0,6-1,2 mmol/L (sheep: 1,5-4 mmol/L)
Average normal values: Cholesterol (Chol)
2-6 mmol/L
Lipid fractions : apolipoproteins
- Triacylglycerols :
- Phospholipids :
- Cholesterol :
- Cholesterol-ester :
- Free fatty acid :
- (HDL)
- albumin