Lab Competency 1 Flashcards
What is the pulse grading scale?
0 = no palpable pulse
1+ faint, but detectable
2+ more diminished pulse than normal
3+ normal pulse
4+: bounding pulse
what are the heart rate norms for adults, children, toddlers, and newborns?
Average is 72 BPM
Adults: 60-100 BPM
Children: 70-120 BPM
Toddlers: 90-150 BPM
Newborns: 120-160 BPM
What is the difference between a regular, irregular, and intermittent pulse
Regular: the time between beats is the same, and the beats are of the same strength
Irregular: the rhythm does not have an even pattern; the time between beats may change, or the strength of the beats may change or the pulse may vary in both time between beats and strength
Intermittent: the strength does not vary greatly, but a beat is skipped, either at regular or irregular intervals, but if the missing beats in an intermittent pulse were present, then the pulse rhythm would be normal
Aortic area landmark for heart auscultation
2nd IC space to the R of sternum
best to hear S2
Pulmonary area landmark for heart auscultation
2nd IC space to the L of sternum
Erb’s Point/Murmers landmark for heart auscultation
3rd IC space to the L of sternum
Tricuspid area for ausculation
4th/5th IC space (lower L sternal border)
tricuspid valve = R AV valve
Apex landmark for heart auscultation (also called the mitral)
5th IC space (medial to midclavicular line)
Can hear S1 here well too
How do you perform the ABI?
take the R arm, L arm blood pressure (take the highest reading)
take the R ankle (dorsal pedal, and posterior tibial) take the higher BP for the R ABI overall reading
take the L ankle (dorsal pedal and posterior tibial) take the higher BP for the L ABI overall reading
Take the LOWEST ABI reading of left or right to determine ABI
interpret ABI findings
above 0.9 = normal
- 71-0.90 = mild obstruction
- 41-0.70 = moderate obstruction
- 00-.40 = severe obstruction
- *0.5-0.9** = claudication and pain in calf with ambulation
- *0.2-0.5**= critical limb ischemia with atrophic changes, rest pain, and wounds
- *<0.2** = severe ischemia and gangrene/severe necrosis
what are the general indications of an abnormal ABI?
PAD (diabetes mellitus)
How do you perform the Rubor of Dependency?
1) observe color of both feet in supine or sitting
2) in supine, elevate one leg for 60 sec to 35-45 deg
3) observe foot color in supine (light pink is normal, chalky white or painful means arterial insufficiency)
4) lower the leg to dependent position (ie. sit them up)
5) time the color return to the color of the non-elevated foot
What are abnormal findings for rubor of dependency?
light pink with foot elevated in supine
>20-30 seconds + bright red arterial color
abnormal result indication = arterial compromise
where should you measure edema?
[x] inches/cm from malleolus
[x] inches/cm from malleolus (second distance)
what is the procedure for measuring edema?
examine circumferential measurements at 3 locations
document the distance from the bony landmark and the circumferential measurement
What is the procedure for measuring pitting edema?
palpate the ankle and medial aspect of the tibia to detect
what is the pitting edema scale?
0 = normal 1+ = barely perceptible 2+ = rebounds in \<15 sec 3+ = rebounds in 15-30 sec 4+ = rebounds in \> 30 sec
edema is associated with CHF