Cardiac Rehabilitation Flashcards
what is cardiac rehabilitaiton?
a multidisciplinary approach to the rehabilitation of pts w/heart disease
- education
- structured, progressive physical activity
- lifestyle modification
- vocational counseling
Candidacy for Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Post MIs
- Post cardiac surgery, including transplants
- Heart disease
- Post PTCA
- Elderly
- Asymptomatic, at-risk patients
Who is not a candidate for Cardiac Rehab? (7)
- Unstable Angina
- hemodynamic instability
- Serious arrhythmias
- Conduction abnormalities (2nd and 3rd degree blocks)
- active infections
- uncontrolled diabetes
- resting ST segment depression
what constitutes hemodynamic instability?
SP > 200
DP > 100
orthostatic fall > 20 mmHg
does cardiac rehab work?
- reduces body weight
- unloads the heart
- improves cardiac function
- might get changes in lifestyle
- modifies risk factors
List and briefly describe the 4 phases of cardiac rehab
- Phase I → acute/inpatient phase
- immediately upon becoming medically stable
- monitored
- Phase II → subacute/rehab/ conditioning phase
- immediately upon D/C
- monitored
- Phase III → training/intensive rehab
- outpatient
- Phase IV → maintenance
what is a standard outcome measure for Phase II Cardiac Rehab?
6-min walk test
what occurs in the initial assessment in Phase I cardiac rehab? (6)
- Hx
- family interview
- Physical exam
- How well can pt perform ADLs
- ROM, Strength, Gait
- Sternal precautions
how is exercise tolerance determined in Phase I cardiac rehab?
- monitor BP 3-5 min
- pt is slowly walked 25-30 ft and a rest break is taken
- if no unusual HR, BP, or ECG reading observed then the walk is repeated and over time lengthened according to pt’s subjective feelings as well as vitals
- activity is progressed as long as pt tolerates the exercise
Describe treatment within Phase I cardiac rehab
what should the duration of a session be? How often? What intensity?
- start slowly
- use short duration sessions, multiple times per day
- warm up/cool down
- intensity
- <120 bpm or <20-30 bpm increase over resting
- symptom monitor
when would you stop treatment in Phase I Cardiac Rehab?
what would be an innapropriate BP response?
- unusual HR increase
- inappropriate BP response
- SP >210
- DP> 110
- 10 mmHg or more drop in DP w/exercise → stop exercise
what symptoms call for a cessation of exercise in Phase I Cardiac Rehab? (8)
- angina
- dyspnea
- excessive fatigue
- mental confusion or dizziness
- excessive fatigue
- pallor, cyanosis, cold sweat
- EKG abnormalities
- arrhythmias
Goals for Phase I cardiac rehab (4)
- initiate return to IADLs
- counteract the deleterious effects of bed rest, reduce risk of thrombi and pneumonia, maintain muscle tone, reduce OH
- provide medical surveillance during ADL types of activities
- pt/family edu
activities to consider for phase I cardiac rehab (5)
- self care
- arm and leg AROM
- very light weights
- independent transfers
- bedside sitting to ambulation to stairs
how many METS should be attainable by D/C from Phase I cardiac rehab?
3-5 METS