Lab After First Practical Flashcards
catalase bubbling immediately means blank
positive, aerobic
catalase bubbling after a delay means blank
positive, facultative
catalase not bubbling means blank
negative, anaerobic
example of positive catalase
S. aureus
example of negative catalase
S. pyogenes
oxidase test needs a few drops of blank
oxidase test that does not change colors means
oxidase test that changes purple after 30 seconds means
example of positive oxidase
A. faecalis
example of negative oxidase
E. coli
nitrate becomes nitrite (NO2) via
nitrate reductase
I in the IMVIC test means
M in the IMVIC test means
methyl red
V in the IMVIC test means
voges proskauer
C in the IMVIC test means
indole test uses the blank media
indole test uses enzyme blank
indole test has tryptophane turning into blank and blank
indole, pyruvic acid
test reagent used in indole
red ring kovac’s test means
positive for tryptophanase
gold ring kovac’s test means
negative for tryptophanase
methyl red in MRVP tests for glucose fermenting into blank
mixed acids
red methyl red test means
positive for mixed acid fermentation
no change methyl red test means
negative for mixed acid fermentation
VPA in VP test
VPB in VP test
how long to wait during VP test
30 minutes
VP test in MRVP tests for glucose fermenting into blank
red VP test means
positive for alcohol products
no change VP test means
negative for alcohol products
two enzymes in citrate test
citrate permease, citrase
pH in citrate
bromthymol blue
blue citrate slant means
positively can use citrate
green citrate slant means
can’t use citrate
red tube of nitrate test means
positive NO3
no change in nitrate test tube means
add Zn dust
red tube of nitrate after adding Zn dust means
negative, no reduction
no change in tube of nitrate after adding Zn dust means
positive for NH3
positive red ring indole test example
E. coli
negative gold ring indole test example
A. faecalis or E. aerogenes
positive red methyl red test and negative VP test example
E. coli
negative methyl red test and positive red VP test example
E. aerogenes
negative methyl red test and negative VP test
A. faecalis
negative MR and VP tests mean that the bacteria blank
does not use glucose
negative green citrate test example
E. coli
positive blue citrate test example
A. faecalis or E. aerogenes
positive red nitrate test without zinc that makes NO2 example
E. coli
negative nitrate test with zinc that makes NH3
P. aeruginosa
a super reducer of nitrate makes blank
negative nitrate test without zinc but positive with zinc that does not make anything example
A. faecalis
H2S test medium
if H2S is positive it contains the enzyme blank
cysteine desulfinase
H2S reacts with blank in media to form black Fe precipitate
ferrous sulfate
positive H2S color is blank
example of no H2S production that is motile
E. coli
example of positive H2S production
S. typhimurium
pH indicator in Urease test
phenol red
urea is hydrolyzed into
CO2, H2O, NH3
positive urease test is blank color
dark pinkish
example of positive urease test
P. vulgaris