Lab Flashcards
Abduction (Valgus) Stress Test
Assesses MCL
Test extended. Then flexed. Make sure knee is in about 30 deg flexion to avoid stability from joint capsule.
lockman’s test
Assesses anterior stability.
QUICK pull forward
Put bolster under knee or hold knee in about 20-30 degrees flexion.
Anterior draw test
Bend Pt’s hip 45 deg and knee 90 deg and sit on the foot. SLOW pull. Fingers warp around leg and thumbs on either side of patellar tendon. Look for presence of pain, amount of excursion and what’s stopping you from pulling further.
Posterior sag sign.
Assesses if PCL is torn. Pt’s knees bent, feet flat on table. check for sag and symmetry.
Assesses if PCL is torn. Lift Pt’s legs to 90 degrees hip flexion and 90 degrees knee flexion and check for sag and symmetry.
Assesses anteriolateral rotary stabilty. bend Pt’s knee and internally rotate 30 degrees and sit on foot. anteriorly draw tibia.
Assesses anteriomedial rotary stabily. Bend Pt’s knee and externally rotate about 15 degrees and sit on foot. anteriorly draw tibia
Assesses posteriomedial stabilty. Bend Pt’s knee, IR about 30 degrees and sit on foot. posteriorly draw tibia.
Assesses posterolateral stabilty. Bend Pt’s knee, ER about 30 degrees and sit on foot. posteriorly draw tibia.
Apprehension test
Assesses Patellar Dislocation.
Sit with Pt’s leg on your lap and laterally push patella. Look for pain, quad contraction.
Clarke’s sign
Assesses Patellofemoral dysfunction. with pt’s knee extended, press down with web of hand and ask pt to contract quads. Positive test is pain and can’t hold contraction. Can do this is varying degrees of flexion. Best to do a couple times with varying amounts of pressure and bilaterally.
Step Up test
Eccentric Step Test
Waldron Test
Assesses patellofemoral dysfunction.
Always watch unaffected leg first.
(waldron = bilateral squat)
Patellar Tap test
Flex or Extend knee to discomfort. Tap on patella to see if it bobbles due to excessive fluid in knee.
Brush/wipe test
Start on medial side just below joint line and stroke up and around. Look for swelling to appear in medial knee.
Apley’s test
Assess if its a meniscal tear.
Pt prone, knee bent 90 degrees. ER and IR with compression and distraction. Pain with distraction –> ligamentous injury. Pain with compression –> meniscal injury.
Always test good side first.
Thessaly’s test
Assesses if there’s a meniscal tear.
Pt stands on one leg with flat foot and knee flexed 20 degrees. Rotates femur on tibia. Look for medial/lateral joint discomfort and/or catching/locking sensation.
Adduction (Varus) stress test
Assesses LCL
Pt. supine. cradle leg against your body standing between their legs.
Test extended. Then flexed. Make sure knee is in about 30 deg flexion to avoid stability from joint capsule.
Posterior Draw Test
Assesses PCL. Bend Pt’s hip 45 deg and knee 90 deg and sit on the foot. SLOW pull. Fingers warp around leg and thumbs on either side of patellar tendon. Look for presence of pain, amount of excursion and what’s stopping you from pulling further.
Assesses Medial and Lateral Meniscus Tear
Medial: Maximally flex hip and knee. ER tibia and apply valgus force.
Lateral IR tibia and apply varus force.
positive is pain.
Noble Compression Test
Assesses Distal ITB friction syndrome. Pt supine. knee bent. Compress ITB slightly proximal to femoral condyle. and extend/flex knee. Positive = pain at about 30 degrees of flexion.
Distraction assessment and Joint Mob
Pt. sitting EOB with knee it PT’s lap and towel under thighs. pull with both hands perpendicular to joint line.
Posterior glide assessment and Joint Mob
Pt. supine. Bolster under thigh. One had under femur, other hand on top of tibia. Slight distraction. Posterior glide. make sure to apply force parallel to joint line.
Anterior glide assessment and Joint Mob
Pt. supine. Bolster under thigh. Both hands on tibia (like with anterior draw test). Stabilize femur with thumbs and pull tibia forward with fingers.
Pt. prone. towel under distal femur. One hand under femur and other over tibia, distracting and pushing parallel to joint line.
Pt. prone. towel under distal femur. Cross hands, one on top of femur and one on top of tibia. distract and push parallel to joint line.
Medial Glide assessment and joint mob
Pt. Supine. Hold pt’s leg up against body. stabilize at inside of femur and mobilize at outside of tibia. distract and apply medial pressure guided by your trunk.
lateral glide assessment and joint mob
Pt. supine. hold pt’s leg up against your body. stabilize outside of femur and mobilize at inside of tibia. distract and apply lateral pressure guided by your trunk.
Medial gapping assessment and joint mob
Pt. supine. sit between pt’s legs. hold pt’s leg up against your body. stabilize distal leg against your body. mobilize at joint line (femur) and apply medial stress.
Lateral gapping assessment and joint mob
Pt. supine. sit between pt’s legs. hold pt’s leg up against your body. stabilize distal leg against your body. mobilize at joint line (femur) and apply lateral stress.
patellar mobilizations?
superior/inferior/lateral/medial glides. put half moon or towel under knee.