Lab 7: Origin, Insertion, Innervation, Blood supply, Action Flashcards
Proximal attachment of gastrocnemius
Lateral head: lateral aspect of lateral condyle of femur. Medial head: popliteal surface superior to medial condyle
Proximal attachment of soleus
Posterior aspect of head and superior fourth of fibula
soleal line
medial border of tibia
Proximal attachment of plantaris
Inferior end of lateral
supracondylar line of
Proximal attachment of tibialis posterior
posterior surface of tibia inferior to soleal line
Proximal attachment of popliteus
Lateral condyle of femur and lateral meniscus
Proximal attachment of flexor hallucis longus
Inferior two thirds of posterior surface of fibula
Proximal attachment of flexor digitorum longus
Medial part of posterior surface of tibia, inferior to soleal line
Proximal attachment of fibularis longus
Head and superior two
thirds of lateral surface
of fibula
Proximal attachment of fibularis brevis
Inferior two thirds of
lateral surface of fibula
Proximal attachment of fibularis tertius
Inferior third of anterior
fibula and interosseous
Proximal attachment of tibialis anterior
Lateral condyle,
superior half of lateral
surface of tibia
Proximal attachment of extensor hallucis longus
Anterior surface of fibula
Proximal attachment of extensor digitorum longus
Lateral condyle of tibia, 2/3 anterior surface of fibula, interosseous membrane
Proximal attachment of extensor hallucis brevis
Calcaneus, interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
Proximal attachment of extensor digitorum brevis
Calcaneus, interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
Proximal attachment of abductor hallucis
Calcaneus, flexor retinaculum, plantar aponeurosis
Proximal attachment of flexor digitorum brevis
Calcaneus; plantar aponeurosis, intermuscular septa
Proximal attachment of abductor digiti minimi
Calcalneus, plantar aponeurosis, intermuscular septa
Proximal attachment of quadratus plantae
Medial surface and lateral margin of plantar surface of calcaneus
Proximal attachment of lumbricals
Tendons of flexor digitorum longus
Proximal attachment of flexor digiti minimi
Base of 5th metatarsal
Proximal attachment of flexor hallucis brevis
Cuboid and lateral cuneiforms
Proximal attachment of adductor hallucis
Oblique head: bases of metatarsals 2 to 4, Transverse head: plantar ligament of MTP joint
Proximal attachment of plantar interossei
Bases and medial sides of metatarsals 3 – 5
Proximal attachment of dorsal interossei
Adjacent sides of metatarsals 1 to 5
Distal attachment of gastrocnemius
Posterior surface of
calcaneus via
calcaneal tendon
Distal attachment of soleus
Posterior surface of
calcaneus via
calcaneal tendon
Distal attachment of plantaris
Posterior surface of
calcaneus via
calcaneal tendon
Distal attachment of tibialis posterior
Tuberosity of navicular,
cuneiforms, cuboid
and bases of
metatarsals 2 to 4
Distal attachment of popliteus
Posterior surface of tibia
Distal attachment of flexor hallucis longus
Base of distal phalanx of great toe (hallux)
Distal attachment of flexor digitorum longus
Base of distal phalanges 2 to 5
Distal attachment of fibularis longus
Base of 1st metatarsal
and medial cuneiform
Distal attachment of fibularis brevis
Dorsal surface of 5th
metatarsal tuberosity
Distal attachment of fibularis tertius
Dorsum base of 5th
Distal attachment of tibialis anterior
Medial cuneiform, and
base of 1st metatarsal
Distal attachment of extensor hallucis longus
Base of distal phalanx of hallux
Distal attachment of extensor digitorum longus
Middle and distal phalanges of lateral four digits
Distal attachment of extensor hallucis brevis
Dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of great toe
Distal attachment of extensor digitorum brevis
Long extensor tendons of digits 2 to 4
Distal attachment of abductor hallucis
Medial side of base of proximal phalanx of 1st digit
Distal attachment of flexor digitorum brevis
Both sides of middle phalanges of lateral four digits
Distal attachment of abductor digiti mini
Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit
Distal attachment of quadratus plantae
Posterolateral margin of tendon of flexor digitorum longus
Distal attachment of lumbricals
Medical aspects of expansion over lateral four digits
Distal attachment of flexor digiti minimi
Base of proximal phalanx of 5th digit
Distal attachment off hallucis brevis
Both sides of base of proximal phalanx of 1st digit
Distal attachment of adductor hallucis
Proximal phalanx of 1st digit
Distal attachment of plantar interossei
Medial sides of bases of phalanges of 3rd to 5th digits
Distal attachment of dorsal interossei
1st: medial side of proximal phalanx of 2nd digit. 2nd to 4th: lateral sides of 2nd to 4th digit
Innervation of plantaris
tibial nerve
Innervation of tibialis posterior
tibial nerve
Innervation of popliteus
tibial nerve
Innervation of flexor hallucis longus
tibial nerve
Innervation of flexor digitorum longus
tibial nerve
Innervation of fibularis longus
Superficial fibular nerve
Innervation of fibularis brevis
Superficial fibular nerve
Innervation of tibialis anterior
Deep fibular nerve
Innervation of extensor hallucis longus
Deep fibular nerve
Innervation of extensor digitorum longus
Deep fibular nerve
Innervation of extensor hallucis brevis
Deep fibular nerve
Innervation of extensor digitorum brevis
Deep fibular nerve
Innervation of adductor hallucis
Medial plantar nerve
Innervation of flexor digitorum brevis
Medial plantar nerve
Innervation of abductor digiti minimi
Lateral plantar nerve
Innervation of quadratus plantae
Lateral plantar nerve
Innervation of lumbricals
Medial (1): medial plantar nerve
Lateral (3): lateral plantar nerve
Innervation of flexor digiti minimi
Superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve
Innervation of flexor hallucis brevis
Medial plantar nerve
Innervation of adductor hallucis
Deep branch of lateral plantar nerve
Innervation of plantar interossei
Lateral plantar nerve
Innervation of dorsal interossei
Lateral plantar nerve
Action(s) of gastrocnemius
Plantar flexion of the foot,
flexion of the leg
Action(s) of soleus
Plantar flexion
of the foot
Action(s) of plantaris
of the foot
Action(s) of tibialis posterior
of the foot and iversion of the foot
Action(s) of popliteus
Flexion at the knee
Action(s) of flexor hallucis longus
Flexion of great toe, supports medial longitudinal arch of foot
Action(s) of flexor digitorum longus
Flexion of digits 2 to 5, planterflexion of foot, support of longitudinal arch
Action(s) of fibularis longus
Eversion of the
Action(s) of fibularis brevis
Eversion of the
Action(s) of fibularis tertius
Eversion of the
Action(s) of tibialis anterior
and inversion
of the foot
Action(s) of extensor hallucis longus
Extension of the hallux and dorsiflexion of foot
Action(s) of extensor digitorum longus
Extension of lateral four digits, dorsiflexion of the foot
Action(s) of extensor hallucis brevis
Extension of great hallux at MTP joint
Action(s) of extensor digitorum brevis
Extension of digits at MTP and IP joints
Action(s) of abductor hallucis
Abduction and flexion of 1st digit
Action(s) of flexor digitorum brevis
Flexion of digits 2 to 5
abductor digiti minimi
Abduction and flexion of the 5th digit
Action(s) of quadratus plantae
Assists flexor digitorum longus in flexing lateral four digits
Action(s) of lumbricals
Flex proximal phalanges extend middle and distal phalanges of lateral four digits
Action(s) of flexor digiti minimi
Flexion of proximal phalanx of 5th digit
Action(s) of flexor hallucis brevis
Flexion of 1st proximal phalanx
Action(s) of adductor hallucis
Adduction of 1st digit, supports transverse arch
Action(s) of plantar interossei
Adduction digits 3 to 5, flexion MTP joints
Action(s) of dorsal interossei
Abduction digits 2 to 4, flexion MTP joints
Blood supply of gastrocnemius
Popliteal artery
Blood supply of soleus
Posterior tibial
and fibular
Blood supply of plantaris
Fibular artery
Blood supply of tibialis posterior
Fibular and
posterior tibial
Blood supply of popliteus
Medial inferior genicular and posterior tibial arteries
Blood supply of flexor hallucis longus
Fibular and posterior tibial arteries
Blood supply of flexor digitorum longus
Posterior tibial artery
Blood supply of fibularis longus
Anterior tibial
and fibular
Blood supply of fibularis brevis
Fibular artery
Blood supply of fibularis tertius
Anterior Tibial artery
Blood supply of tibialis anterior
Anterior Tibial artery
Blood supply of extensor hallucis longus
Anterior Tibial artery
Blood supply of extensor digitorum longus
Anterior Tibial artery
Blood supply of extensor hallucis brevis
Dorsalis pedis artery
Blood supply of extensor digitorum brevis
Dorsalis pedis artery
Blood supply of abductor hallucis
Medial plantar artery
Blood supply of flexor digitorum brevis
Lateral plantar artery
Blood supply of abductor digiti minimi
Lateral plantar artery
Blood supply of quadratus plantae
Lateral plantar artery
Blood supply of lumbricals
Lateral plantar artery
Blood supply of flexor digiti minimi
Lateral plantar artery
Blood supply of flexor hallucis brevis
Medial plantar artery
Blood supply of adductor hallucis
Medial plantar artery
Blood supply of plantar interossei
Plantar and dorsal metatarsal arteries
Blood supply of dorsal interossei
Plantar and dorsal metatarsal arteries