Lab 6: Human Respiratory Physiology Flashcards
In order to survive actively metabolizing cells must be supplied with
O2 whereas waster CO2 must be removed.
Why can’t larger animals do simple diffusion for the exchange of gasses between the environment?
the distance between the environment and internal body is too large for diffusion alone to supply tissues with O2 and remove excess CO2. They therefore have specialized structures to facilitate gas exchange.
Small membranous air sacs.
What are factors what influence diffusion of gases between lungs and the blood?
- the amount of respiratory surface area
- diffusion distance
- concentration gradient
What is the alveoli about the size of?
A tennis court
Does alveoli have thing or thick walls?
Thin and this provides a short diffusion distance.
A high concentration gradient is ensured by….
- ) Movement of blood with low O2 and High Co2 levels to the lungs.
- ) Pulmonary ventilation (breathing), which maintains a high level of O2 and a lower level of CO2 in the alveolar air.
Tidal Volume (TV)
The amount of air that moves in or out of the lungs during any one breathing cycle.
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
After normal inspiration it is possible to breathe in additional air.
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
After normal expiration, it is possible to exhale additional air.
Residual Volume (RV)
There is always a volume of air in the lungs that cannot be exhaled. The RV has lower O2 and higher CO2 concentrations than atmospheric air.
Vital Capacity (VC)
The maximal volume of air that can be exchanged during a single breathing cycle and represents the maximum TV possibly for a person. In this situation all of the IRV and ERV are used to generate the maximum volume of air exchange in the lung.
What controls the adjustments of the Tv and breathing rate
Brains respiratory center in the medulla oblongata.
Peripheral chemoreceptors:
to detect blood pH, O2, and CO2 levels
Stretch receptors in the lungs:
provide important sensory information that modulates the activity of respiratory center neurons.
The quantity of air exchanged during lung ventilation can be measured.
Total Lung capacity
Functional residual capacity
Expiratory reserve volume
Inspiratory capacity
Breathing Rate (breaths/minute)=
60 (seconds/minute) / mean breathe period (sec/breath)
In healthy indivduals what is the VC?
75% of the TLC
VC (male subject)=
(0.052 x H) - (0.022 x A) - 3.60