Lab 5 Flashcards
What Bone is this?
The Sternum
What part of the sternum is this?
The manubrium
What part of the sternum is this?
The Clavicular notch
What part of the sternum is this?
The jugular notch
What part of the sternum is this?
The body
What part of the sternum is this?
The sternal angle
What part of the sternum is this?
The xiphoid process
What part of the rib is this?
The head
What part of the rib is this?
the neck
What part of the rib is this?
The tubercle
What part of the rib is this?
The body
What part of the rib’s body is this?
The costal angle
What part of the rib’s body is this?
The costal groove
What feature of the intervertebral disc is this?
the annulus fibrosus
What feature of the intervertebral disc is this?
the nucleus pulposus
What is this called?
The atlas
What is this called?
The axis
What part of the vertebral column is this?
The cervical region
What part of the vertebral column is this?
the thoracic region
What part of the vertebral column is this?
The lumbar region
What part of the vertebral column is this?
The sacral region
What part of the vertebral column is this?
The coccyx
What part of the vertebral bone is this?
The body
What part of the vertebral bone is this?
The spinous process (1)
What part of the vertebral bone is this?
The transverse processes (2)
What part of the vertebral bone is this?
The vertebral foramen
What part of the vertebral bone is this?
The lamina
What part of the vertebral bone is this?
The pedicle
What part of the vertebral bone is this?
The superior articulating processes
What part of the vertebral bone is this?
inferior articulating processes
What part of the cervical vertebral bone is this?
The transverse foramina
What part of the cervical vertebral bone is this?
The bifid spinous processes
What part of the cervical vertebral bone is this?
the odontoid process
What part of the thoracic vertebral bone is this?
superior costal facets or demifacet
What part of the thoracic vertebral bone is this?
inferior costal facet or demifacets
What is this?
The sacrum
What part of the sacrum is this?
the sacroiliac joint
What part of the sacrum is this?
the auricular surface
What part of the sacrum is this?
the anterior sacral foramina
What part of the sacrum is this?
the posterior sacral foramina
What part of the sacrum is this?
the median sacral crest
What part of the sacrum is this?
the superior articulating process
What part of the sacrum is this?
the sacral alae
What type of pectoral girdle is this?
What type of pectoral girdle is this?
What part of the pelvic girdle is this?
the pubic symphysis joint
What part of the Coxae is this?
iliac crest
What part of the Coxae is this?
anterior superior iliac spine
What part of the Coxae is this?
anterior inferior iliac spine
What part of the Coxae is this?
posterior superior iliac spine
What part of the Coxae is this?
posterior inferior iliac spine
What part of the Coxae is this?
greater sciatic notch