lab 4-6 Flashcards
enhances contrast & resolution; reveals details
of cellular morphology & arrangement
basic stain (crystal violet)
- negative stain
- cell is stained
- positively charged attracts negative charged cells
acidic stain (nigrosin)
- simple stain (only one staining reagent)
- background is stained
- negatively charges
negative stain
- Determine morphology &
cellular arrangement (shapes and size)
– Typically for cells sensitive
to heat‐fixation during
smear preparation
– Minimal distortion of cells
(no heat‐fixation involved)
differential staining
- use more than one staining reagent to differentiate cellular structures
- allows for detection of differences between bacteria and serves as an aid in identifying bacteria.
- gram, acid-fast, spore, and capsule stain
- primary stain, counterstain, and often (though not always) a decolorizing agent.
gram stain
- most common differential stain; differentiates many bacterial types on basis of cell wall differences
- initial step in identification of unknown bacteria.
Gram positive cell
- retention of primary stain and resists decolorization
- thicker peptidoglycan and cross linkage
gram negative cell
- loss of primary stain from decolorization with alcohol
- less peptidoglycan, higher lipid content
- dormant form of a bacterium that is formed under conditions of nutrient starvation and/or other physical, metabolic stresses.
- highly resistant to heat, desiccation, and radiation
- can be visualized without staining the spore
two groups of spore-formers
1.) bacillus = soil microbes, aerobic, facultative anaerobes
2.) clostridium = anaerobic
spore stain
- uses heat to allow the dye (malachite green) to penetrate
the spore; safranin is used as a counterstain. Microscopy reveals green‐colored spores and red vegetative cells.
spore gram/simple stain
coloration of vegetative portion of the cell, while the spores appear colorless
1.) heat-fixed emulsion (up to 4)
2.) cover smear with paper and apply malachite green stain
3.) steam for 5 minutes and rinse with water
4.) counterstain with safarin for 1 minute and rinse with water
acid fast stain (kinyoun method)
- has mycolic acids (lipids in cell wall)
- carbolfuchsin solution (the primary stain), whose chemical nature allows it to penetrate the waxy acid‐fast cell wall mycolic acids; acid‐fast bacteria resist decolorization by acid‐alcohol.
- mycobacterium
non-acid fast
bacteria must be counterstained (with brilliant green) in order to be seen.
allows bacteria to avoid host defenses