lab 2: the brain and meninges Flashcards
what are the lobes
frontal patietal occipital temporal insula
the insula is deep to what fissure
lateral fissure
the cerebrum is made by the joinning of what
2 cerebral hemisphre
the longitudinal fissure seperates what
the two cereral hemistphere
the lateral fissure supereates what
the temporal lobe from the other libes
the trainsvcers fu=issure seperates what
cerebellum and cerebrum
what seeperates the paeital lobe from the occipital lobe
the parietooccipital fissure
what is the only continuous sulcus
central sulcus
what ddo you find near the central sulcus
post and pre central gyri
wgat are the 2 imporatnt gyri
post central gyrus
precentral gyrus
what is the function of the precentral gyrus
what is the functon of the psot central gyrus
what is the burdge that connects the 2 cerebral hemistroehers (axons of white matter)
corpus callosum`
what divides the two lateral ventricules
septum pellucium
how many lateral ventricles are there
what is the function of the interventricular forman
connection between the third ventricle and the lateral ventricle.
what is always found lateral to lateral ventricles
basal ganglia
what are the 3 main parts of the basal ganglia
caudaute nuc
lentiform nucleou
internal capula
what is the most medial part of the basal ganglia
caudate nucleous
what is found at the end of caudate nuclous
amygaloid body
what is the extension of the internal capsule called
corona radiata