Lab 2: Cereal Crops Flashcards
Bread wheat Latin name
Triticum aestivum
Triticum aestivum common name
Bread wheat
Triticum aestivum inflorescence
Inflorescence where spikelets are attached sessile to rachis
Arrangement of spikelets along the rachis
Arranged distichously along rachis
Rachis node
The point of attachment of a spikelet to the rachis
Wheat spikelet
-two glumes enclosing max five florets
Small rachis of the spikelet that the florets attach to in an alternate manner
Which florets in a wheat spikelet usually set seed?
-bottom two
-next two depending on growing conditions
-fifth always always sterile
Which kernels in wheat are the largest?
-primary and secondary largest
-size decreases in order
In a particularly poor growing year, how many florets would a wheat spikelet usually contain?
Probably less than five
Extended awn from the lemma
Winter wheat latin name
Triticum aestivum
Triticum aestivum common name
Winter wheat
How many florets does a Triticum aestivum spikelet contain?
Maximum six
What does Triticum aestivum require to develop a head?
Exposure to prolonged periods of chilling temperatures
Durum Wheat latin name
Triticum durum
Triticum durum common name
Durum wheat
Triticum durum inflorescence
-essentially the same as any bearded bread wheat
-lemma always extended into a beard
The lowermost of the two bracts on the outside of a floret
-an awn extended into a point
Lemma types
- Beardless
- Tip or apical awn
- Bearded
Beardless wheat
No lemma awn present
Tip or apical awn wheat
The lemma tip is extended to a thin point or short awn
Bearded wheat
The lemma tip is extended to a long and conspicuous awn
Stem solidness of wheat
-most varieties have a hollow stem in internode sections on the culm
Characteristic of wheat varieties bred for sawfly resistance
Culms filled with pith (solid stem)
Barley latin name
Hordeum vulgare
Hordeum vulgare common name
Barley inflorescence type
How many spikelets per rachis node in Hordeum vulgare?
Three spikelets per rachis node
Hordeum vulgare # florets per spikelet
Single floret per spikelet
What structures enclose the floret of a Hordeum vulgare spikelet?
A pair of small, narrow glumes with awns on their tips
Characteristic of lemma and palea in Hordeum vulgare
Lemma and palea remain tightly attached to mature grain —> forming the hull
What structures for the hull in the grain of Hordeum vulgare?
Lemma and palea
How many florets in a six-row barley spike are fertile?
Each of single florets in the three spikelet attached per rachis node is fertile
What does a fertile floret of a spike inflorescence produce?
A grain
Which spikelets in two-row barley are fertile?
Only the central spikelet bears a fertile floret (two lateral spikelets bear an infertile floret)
What is responsible for the transformation from two-row barley to six-row barley?
The mutation of one gene
Six-row barley vs. Two-row barley
Six-row: three fertile florets per rachis node; three spikelets per rachis node
Two-row: one fertile floret per rachis node; three spikelets per rachis node