lab 2 Flashcards
CN 1
Olfactory, bulb and tract
CN 2
the optic nerves consist of axons from neurons located in the retina
optic tracts
oculomotor located in the midline, just superior to pons and emerge from the interpeduncular fossa between the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries
CN 4
trochlear, only CN to emerge from dorsum of brain stem, below inferior colliculus
CN 5
trigeminal emerge from lateral pons
CN 6
abducent, located near the midline they emerge at the junction of pons with medulla
CN 7
Facial, located at the base of pons lateral to 6
CN 8
Vestibulocochlear, located at the base of the pons immediatley stuck to the lateral to CN 7
CN 9
Glossopharyngeal, emerge from the olive
CN 10
Vagus, stuck to 9
CN 11
accessory, runs along the sides of medulla
CN 12
hypoglossal, several rootlets that emerge from midline
Medial geniculate nucleus
one of the thalamic nuclei located at the posterior pole of the thalamus, located in the region of the superior collicili
Function: a relay in auditory path
Lateral geniculate nucleus
one of the thalamic nuclei located at the posterior pole of the thalamus, located in the region of the superior collicili
function: a relay for visual
Cerebral peduncles
consists of tegmentum the dorsal and crus cerebi
it is separated by the substantia nigra