Lab 2 Flashcards
Pectoralis Minor
O: Ribs 3-5
I: Coracoid Process
A: Protraction, Anterior Tilt, Downward rotation of the scapula, Depression
N: Medial pectoral nerve
Levator Scapula
O: Transverse processes of C1-4
I: Medial superior border of the scapula, superior angle
A: Elevation, Downward rotation of the scapula
N: Dorsal scapular nerve
Reverse OI: Neck extension, ipsilateral lateral flexion, contralateral rotation
Serratus Anterior
O: Ribs 1-9
I: anterior medial border of the scapula
A: protraction, upward rotation of the scapula
N: Long thoracic nerve
O: Spinous processes C7-T2, inferior portion of ligamentum nuchae
I: Root of the spine of the scapula
O: Spinous processes of T2-T5
I: Medial border of scapula between the root of the spine and the inferior angle
A: Retraction, Downwards rotation of the scapula
N: Dorsal scapular nerve
Upper Trapezius
O: Occipital protuberance, medial third of the nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, spinous process of C7
I: Lateral third of the clavicle, acromion process
A: Elevation, Upward rotation
N: CN XI, C3, C4
Reverse OI: Neck extension, lateral flexion, contralateral neck rotation
Middle Trapezius
O: Spinous process of T1-T5
I: Spine of the scapula, acromion process
A: Retraction
N: CN XI, C3, C4
Lower Trapezius
O: Spinous process of T6-T12
I: Root of the spine of the scapula
A: Depression, upward rotation
N: CN XI, C3, C4