What are the cell theory?
- All living organisms are made up of one or more cells.
- The cell is the basic unit of life.
- All cells come from the division of pre-existing cells.
Who was the English scientist that first described the cells from his observations of cork slices and the first who used the word “cell”?
Robert Hooke (1665)
Who was the first to document the structure of red blood corpuscles and the nature of the circulatory system?
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
accurately described the life cycles of many types of insects
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
invented the compound microscope
Hans Jansen (1595)
designed a two-lens microscope
Robert Hooke (1667)
developed the microscope with single lens
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1670)
constructed the set of color-corrected lenses
Benjamin Martin (1774)
solved the spherical aberration problem
Jackson Lister (1830)
produced a paper on dark-ground illumination
Francis Wenham (1850)
improved the composite lens
Ernest Abbe (1857)
developed the apochromatic system of lenses
Carl Zeiss (1868)
developed the luminescence microscope
August Kohler (1908)
invented the phase contrast microscope
Frits Zernike (1932)
invented the confocal scanning optical microscope
Davidovits and Egger (1969)
were the first to say that all organisms are made of one or more cells
German scientists Schleiden and Schwann (1830)
stated that all cells come from the division of pre-existing cells
German biologist Virchow (1858)
are the building blocks of life; comes in many shapes and sizes, although most are microscopic
- Most cells are small, about 0.001 cm in length (1/100 of a mm, or 10 micrometer)
* smallest cells of the microorganism mycoplasma are .3 micrometer in size - Some are large
* giant algal cells may be several cm long - A chicken’s egg is a single cell
- Multicellular organism (us) have at least 10^14 cells
limited by the wavelength of light to a resolution limit of about 200 nm
Light microscope
limited by the design of the electromagnetic lenses to a resolution of about 0.2 nm
Electron microscope
Light microscope
Illuminating source = light
Max magnification = 1000x
Specimen type = live and dead
Lenses material = glass
Image = colored
Field of use = study of internal structure
Electron microscope
Illuminating source = electron
Max magnification = 2,000,000x
Specimen type = dead or dried
Lenses material = electromagnetic
Image = black and white
Field of use = study of internal surface, cell structure, and small organisms
What are the applications of TEM (Transmission electron microscope)?
- Morphological studies
- Cytochemistry/Histochemistry
- Autoradiography
- Immunolabelling
- Elemental analysis
e.g. flagellar attachment, details of cell parts, etc.
Morphological studies
e.g. study of enzyme-substrate complexes: acid-phosphatase etc.
e.g. how a certain vitamin is transported into tissues
e.g. study of antiserum – antigen complexes made possible by gold labelling
determination of different elements present in a
specimen region; quantitative analysis of water and air, etc.
Elemental analysis
include bacteria, blue-green algae, and archaea
all single-celled organisms that lack both a true nucleus and other membrane-bounded cellular substructures
DNA is usually circular
cells of this lack a nucleus ad ither organelles; unicellular
memorize parts of the prokaryotes
include plants, animals, protozoa, and fungi
these cells contain nuclei and other membrane-bound organelles; genetic material is organized into chromosomes
Why do we need to study organelles of the
living cell in relation to biochemical
- Structure
- Function
- Composition of each part
- Relationship of organelles to biochemical systems
specialized structure within the cell which contains DNA and controls cell functioning and reproduction
small bodies with
specific structures and functions within the cell.
the liquid substance between the nucleus and the cell membrane, in which the organelles are located
the thin layer which separates the cell contents from it’s environment
Plasma membrane
Plants cells also have a cell wall surrounding the cell
Membrane-bound structures that usually contain chloroplasts and give their colors (i.e. green pigment)
contains the cell’s genetic information
dark void objects spreads throughout the cell; produce energy for the cell
small black dots; storage form of glucose
Glycogen granules
Animal cell:
Magnification: x8,500 when printed at 10 cm tall
a dangerous form of the normally benign E. coli bacteria which live in the intestine.
usually transmitted by food poisoning; can cause life threatening diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, kidney failure, and disturbance to blood.
no effective cures for this, but there are treatments for dealing with the symptoms
Another strain of EHEC bacteria is E. coli O157:H7.
Magnification: x160,000 at 8x10 inch size.
Enterohaemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC)
Cells are surrounded by a thin membrane of lipid and
protein, about 100 angstroms (1.00 x 10-8 m) thick.