LA #9 Chapter 15 Flashcards
Which of the following is the term for the huge volume of data collected during qualitative research?
a. Essential data
b. Fat data
c. Interview data
d. Observational data
Ans. B
What is the purpose of grounded theory?
a. To expand the scope of nursing practice into areas formerly reserved for other disciplines through theory building
b. To provide an exhaustive description of how individuals or groups have experienced an event in a theoretical manner
c. To examine patterns of action and interaction between and among various types of social units to develop models that lead to theory building
d. To identify precepts and mores common to all members of a distinct cultural or ethnic group in a theoretical manner
Ans. C
Which of the following features is characteristic of the grounded theory method of qualitative research?
a. Simultaneous occurrence of data gathering and data analysis
b. The researcher’s own experience of the specific phenomenon being studied
c. Each grounded theory study being based on only a single research question
d. The requirement that participants in a grounded theory study must experience the phenomenon currently with the study.
Ans. A
Which of the following criteria of scientific rigour for qualitative research is met when the research report leads the reader from the research question and raw data through the steps of analysis and interpretation of the data?
a. Trustworthiness
b. Auditability
c. Fittingness
d. Credibility
Ans. B
What is the contribution of qualitative computer software to the research process?
a. Interpretation of data
b. Management of data
c. Credibility of data
d. Analysis of data
Ans. B
A student is critiquing a research report of a phenomenological research study that examines the lived experience of domestic violence. Which of the following answers is consistent with elements of a qualitative research report for a phenomenological research study?
a. Data from participants is presented in the form of narrative text.
b. The researcher details the natural setting in which field work was conducted.
c. The data analysis section discusses use of a statistical software package.
d. The sampling section indicates that all participants must currently be in an unstable domestic relationship.
Ans. A
Which of the following is a possible ethical issue that must be considered when evaluating qualitative research?
a. Researchers focus on the emic view of participant experiences.
b. Researchers may want to speak to participants on more than one occasion.
c. Researchers serve as instruments for data interpretation.
d. Researchers may assign codes with personal meaning to sort data for interpretation.
Ans. C
When a reader critiques a phenomenological study for appropriateness, the reader will examine the study to see if the researcher:
a. questioned the participants of the study to confirm identified themes.
b. documented the bracketing process used to maintain the proper perspective.
c. presented the narrative in a way that captured the everyday reality of participants.
d. discussed in detail the process by which identified themes emerged.
Ans. C
Which of the following sets of stages was included in the model for data analysis introduced by Miles and Huberman?
a. Data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification
b. Writing memos, keeping reflective journals, creating analytical files, quoting participants
c. Skimming data, analyzing themes, creating demographic charts
d. Coding data by marking, sorting, and redefining
Ans. A
When does abstraction occur in ethnography?
a. During data collection
b. During member checking
c. Prior knowledge of site and situation, during the field research
d. When codes are assigned
Ans. c
Which of the following computer programs can be used to help researchers in qualitative data management?
b. QSR NVivo 8
c. Minitab
Ans. B
What is the purpose of data display in qualitative analysis?
a. To describe relationships among emerging themes in qualitative data
b. To organize qualitative data into meaningful clusters
c. To record observational data for analysis
d. To organize data to facilitate conclusion drawing
Ans. D
Which of the following is a common feature of different approaches to qualitative data analysis?
a. Researchers sort through the data to identify similar phrases, patterns, themes, sequences.
b. Researchers avoid making generalizations from the data.
c. Researchers apply constant comparison analysis to develop concepts and theories.
d. Researchers analyze field note data to describe the phenomenon of focus.
Ans. A
What is the main purpose of using vignettes in qualitative data analysis?
a. Vignettes are pertinent quotes from the literature that researchers add to data analysis.
b. Vignettes are narratives that help researchers present textual data as a story.
c. Vignettes are video clips that illustrate the context and themes of qualitative data.
d. Vignettes are anecdotal and reflective notes written by researchers during data collection.
Ans. B
What processes do researchers use to study their own personal beliefs and knowledge in their attempt to ensure that their analysis reflects the participants’ beliefs, not their own?
a. Clustering and making metaphors
b. Auditability and fittingness
c. Constant comparison analysis and matrices
d. Reflexivity and bracketing
Ans. D
Which of the following is the kind of data analysis that leads to the development of a cultural inventory?
a. Phenomenological
b. Grounded theory
c. Ethnographic
d. Historical
Ans. C
What is the term used to describe the central meaning of the thematic conclusions drawn in phenomenological analysis?
a. Vignettes
b. Narrative
c. Essence
d. Phenomenon
Ans. C
Which of the following is an important feature of most qualitative analysis methods?
a. Primary and secondary documents serving as main data sources
b. Data collection and analysis occurring in a cyclic, interrelated manner
c. Observation being the key method of data collection
d. The researcher’s avoidance of personal beliefs and feelings about the topic of focus
Ans. B
Why do all qualitative researchers “immerse” themselves in the data?
a. To fully understand the meaning of the data
b. To discover the essence of the data
c. To gain a statistical sense of the data
d. To substantiate existing knowledge about the topic of focus
Ans. A
Why do qualitative researchers include “member checking” in data analysis?
a. To ensure that all participants intend to remain in the study over time
b. To ensure that all participants have experience with the topic of focus
c. To have the participants validate interpretations of the data
d. To ensure that all participants feel comfortable about their participation in the study
Ans. c