LA #7 Chapter 7 Flashcards
Which of the following distinctions is characteristic of qualitative research methods?
a. Data are in text form.
b. Data are dichotomous (either yes or no).
c. Qualitative research does not generate data.
d. Data from qualitative studies are inappropriate for analysis.
Ans. A
Which of the following statements is consistent only with qualitative research methods?
a. The focus of qualitative research is measuring one or more human characteristics.
b. Qualitative research methods attempt to control or eliminate variables that interfere with what is being studied.
c. The basis for all qualitative interactions is the belief that a human being is a composite of many body systems.
d. The focus of qualitative research methods is the study of human experiences that occur within a person’s natural setting.
Ans. D
What should be the determining factor for a researcher to conduct a qualitative study?
a. The need to test a theory
b. The nature of the research question
c. The age and gender of the study participants
d. The availability of valid instruments to measure the phenomenon
Ans. B
In which of the following instances should a qualitative research design be used instead of a quantitative research design?
a. When time for data collection is limited
b. When the research questions are clinical in nature
c. When the goal is to view the experience in the same way as those who are having the experience view it
d. When the researcher is a novice and has minimal experience or skill in scientific problem solving
Ans. C
A qualitative nursing research approach will be most suitable for which of the following research topics?
a. Experiences of elder abuse among diverse ethnic populations
b. Reduction of prehospital delay in the face of acute coronary syndrome symptoms
c. Examining trajectories of depressive symptoms among young adults
d. Perceived risk and willingness to interact with individuals with HIV or AIDS
Ans. A
What basic belief is represented when a nurse asks a 38-year-old woman, “When was your last menstrual period?” and the patient replies, “Oh, I don’t remember because it isn’t important”?
a. A failure of communication
b. A difference between the received view and the perceived view
c. Cultural insensitivity on the part of the nurse and the health care system
d. Lack of awareness and knowledge on the part of the patient
Ans. B
Which part of the following research question constitutes its context?
“What is the grief experience of women over 30 from rural Saskatchewan who have experienced a late-stage pregnancy loss?”
a. Late-stage pregnancy loss
b. Women over 30
c. Grief experience
d. Saskatchewan
Ans. D
Which of the following aims of research is characteristic or appropriate for qualitative research methods?
a. Control
b. Prediction
c. Explanation
d. Understanding
Ans. D
Which of the following factors in a research report indicates that the study used a qualitative design?
a. Hypotheses are stated.
b. The sample is described as convenient.
c. Study participants are described as informants.
d. Participants were asked to complete a forced-choice questionnaire to measure their understanding of the topic.
Ans. C
How are values managed in qualitative research studies compared with quantitative research studies?
a. In both types of studies, the goal is to separate values from the research process.
b. In quantitative studies, the values of the researcher are considered study variables.
c. In qualitative studies, the values of the participant are considered an outcome of the study.
d. Although values are acknowledged by both types of research, the quantitative approach uses statistical methods to remove or minimize the impact of values.
Ans. D
Which of the following study purposes and methodological procedures is inappropriate for qualitative methods?
a. Testing of a new hypothesis
b. Using an intensive approach to data collection
c. Using inductive analysis with the captured data
d. Examining individual responses to a nonmodifiable situation
Ans. A
Which of the following statements forms an assumption of contemporary empiricism?
a. The philosophy underlying the research is explicit.
b. Human responses to health and illness can be measured.
c. Inductive analysis is most useful in determining the significance of study outcomes.
d. The outcomes must provide sufficient evidence to prove the null hypothesis.
Ans. B
How should the number of participants be determined for a qualitative study that uses a grounded theory approach?
a. Data are collected from new participants until no new information is generated.
b. The number of participants needed is equal to the number available at a specific location.
c. The number of participants needed is equal to the number available within the researcher’s specified time frame.
d. The number of participants needed is determined through a power analysis of data generated in a pilot study of similar subjects.
Ans. A
By what process does the nurse researcher set aside personal biases in order to avoid leading the participant to issues that may be important to the researcher?
a. Inference
b. Avoidance
c. Bracketing
d. Restructuring
Ans. C
The term triangulation refers to:
a. a mathematical technique.
b. combining different methods, theories, data sources, or investigators.
c. information collected becoming repetitive.
d. possible applications of the results of qualitative studies.
Ans. B
Metasynthesis involves:
a. developing typologies as results of qualitative investigations.
b. different hierarchies of evidence as compared with quantitative studies.
c. interpreting various qualitative studies to reveal similarities and differences.
d. a systematic review of the literature involving classic and recent studies.
Ans. C