L9 - New orientations of the apostolic activities Flashcards
What dos the Church have to do with salvic mission .
- The church is the sacramanet and continuation of Jesus in this world . The church is appointed o continue the salvic missio of Jesus in the world .
- She had to overcome many obsacnes to fufil thi mission and many of her childeren suffere dtorute o ecome martyrs os she isnt bck for her mission .
What is the salvation of Jesus ?
- Not only the liberaition of soul but the liberation of man , , always trying to help the oprssed and exploited idenifying herself within them .
- She also points out mistakes of oppprersors and those who have done bead , and obkec unjusic e based orn relgiion colour etc .
- Church liberates individuals and societis fom evils ht enslave them .
church - conscience of the world
- church in the modern world gives leaderhsip to evalaute als ocial , politcal circumsnrances which are agaisnt the gorwth of indivuals and soicey and ake suitable decisions .
- The world looks to churhc ofr solutions to porblems not jsut for thingd agaisnt faith but htings that ednager welfare of amn , people listen totwhat the pope says on such issues .
How does the church try for total develpmen of man
she uses means like education , polliric , socil services and media , MOST IMPORTANT AMONG THESE IS EDUCATION .
How does education deelop man >
-im of proper education is it forms he personality of an idvidual wih man’s final end in view .
-Goal of education is to relaise valuss like love , truth , juice and franeity in ones life .
-church helps individuals to avoid evil and accept good . -it helps one to stufi yu porblems lie poverty and eradicate them .
trains someone in fatu and morals - perec perosnality in accordacne with the bible .
How has media developed man ?
- Helpful in spreading the kingdom of hod , use media to procalim gospel .
- those who have knowledge in technoogy should use media to buil true culture by giving their talents and exeprt service .
What can the misuseof media lead to ?
- The misue of media can lead to immolairty .
- so you have to use media with responisibiltiy when using it to rproclaim the gosepl .
- newspapers tv etc.
Howdoes politics develop man ?
- Poltics should give freedom to the prisioners , sight to blind releaseoprssed .
- defend those ecplotied by socieity , voice of the voicelss .
- so to build society .
- churhc says not to objey political leaers hwen hey are agaisnt moral lwas we hae to obey god more thab men .
fields of art lierature develop man ?
- memberso f church have responsibility to spread messafe hrough cinema drama and dance forms .
- so the church is keen on developing literacy and artistic talents of children and youth hrough faih formation in various assoicaios and spreadinggospel message .
How does protection of the environment devrlop man ?
- childrne of church should also pay attention to mantain balance of nature .
- Created thins are meant for the wholeword , so we hae to protect them for good .
- don’t exploit nature .
voice of the gospel agaisnt soicl evils
- many who do misisoanry work in indian and out of indi .
- they leave hometown to spread mesage of gospel to atheists .
- Asa result , people have been able to gian knowledge and convert and move away from evil plants that caused them suffring .
the children of the church should try to present hte gospel in the modern world thorugh education , media art and culture .