L11 - Mission thorugh family life . Flashcards
St Paul has written letters thaning the ccuple Prisca and Acquila for proecting his life and even riking their own to greet the church assembled in their hosue .
-Indicating how int he eraly church , missionaryactvity was very much alive .
How is family an institution by God ?
- Family life shares the love of God .
- strong lie-long reltionship wih man and woman , is meant for good ubrigning of their children in the right way .
- God made maetial relationships the foundation and beginning of human sociey , so missoanry actvities theough fmaily are very improant in church nd soicety
How is a family a missioanry community ?
- essence of mission is to be a witenes to the love God has hsown to humanity through Jesus .
- Family is meant to be a temple of God thorugh love among members of the family and prayer where all members participte .
- mutuallove and dedication makes couples cloes especiall to chidlren .
what does prayer do to family
pryer snctifies fmily nd strengthens thier marital reltionship .
-A fmily that prays together lives ttogether . The whole family especially children are evangelised thorugh prayer , so a very effecitve media of misisoanry acctivity in the church is family .
How is family a platform of evangelisation ?
- Man is to be saed by the word og God ,
- so familie shsould recie the word o God all the time , and study it , whoever obeys the word are his own .
How is family the school of faith formation \/
-parents hve the right and responsibility to give their children proper christian education - regarded as the most imporant facors of missiono f chrsitan fmaily .
-children learn from parents gretness and sellessness , .
formation of family helps them move away from luxry and to develop the hait of contributiong ot good causse
. -familes growing in fiath become the models of christian life ins ociety , the salvation of the world is accomplished by the church and made effective ine ach family .
-family is where gospel is lived , gospel truths are to be brought to the communtiy , so familybecomes a powerful platform for evangelisation .
mean of missonry activities of he family
imporant means of missioanra ctivities of family incldue :
- mrried life based on love
- and cbristan formation of children .
- particiption in sacraments and pryer .
- fmaily must deepend life in chich by participating iwth interest in golymass and other sacraments .
how can family partcipatei n missoary actvies
- sharign with poor
- extending hospitality ot others
- hlpping to get jsutice ot the fellowbeings
- adoptig children
- parents enocurgaing hcildren to accepti missoary voction .
- particpate in misionary activites and hhe mission .
- find solutiosn to problems modern christian families face .