L9-Complex vs Mendelian Disorders Flashcards
What TYPE of disorder complex or mendelian: -rare
-single gene -severe mutations -large phenotypic effect
What TYPE of disorder complex or mendelian: -common-many genes-mild mutations -small phenotypic effect
Cleft lip/palate and neural tube defects are examples of ________ traits.
Rank who is more likely to get cleft lip and palate…Asians, Native Americans, or African Americans…
Asians then Native Americans, then African Americans
What are the %’s out of overall cases??? Cleft Lip and Palate, Isolated Cleft Palate, Isolated Cleft Lip…
Cleft Lip and Palate-50% , Isolated Cleft Palate-30%, Isolated Cleft Lip-20%
What is the male to female ratio of Cleft Lip?
BIG CONCEPT!!! If the two sexes have a different probability of being affected, the _____ likely sex, if affected, is the most likely sex to produce an affected offspring…SO if _____ are more commonly affected with Cleft Lip, then a ______ with Cleft Lip is most likely to pass it on…
least likely….males more commonly affected….females with cleft lip will most likely pass it on
What were the 3 causes of gingival overgrowth?
hereditary, syndromic, and drug induced
What is the example for Clinical Heterogeneity ?
Noonan Syndrome…Different phenotypes result from mutations in the same gene
________: environmentally induced phenotype that looks like a genetic disorder
PhenoCopy (‘pharm-o-copy’)
A disorder affects males twice as often as females. Which has the highest risk of being affected?…Son of affected ______. (male/female)