L8 - Rheology and formulation issues: Topical Products Flashcards
Important PHYSICAL properties of topical products?
i.e How it feels?
Smooth texture, elegant appearance, non greasy and easy to apply
Important PHYSIOLOGICAL properties of topical products?
e.g SC main barrrier, make lipid bilayer more leaky/poreus
Non irritating, dont alter membrane perm, low sensitisation effect
Measure of viscosity, the resistance to flow
Quantifies viscoelasticity - how sample behaves before flow
Semi solids are viscoelastic, meaning they?
Have properties of both solid and liquid
elastic = solid liquid = viscious
Rheolgy defines..
- spread on skin
- removal from jars/tubes
- capacity of solids to mix with miscible liquids
- Release of drug from base
- Ensure long shelf life/ storage
Rheometer is an _____ vicsometer
It has a broarder range of shear rates and also measures ______
Viscometer can measure viscosity = but cant differentiate similar products with similar viscosity = need rheometer.
What is the principle behind rheometer?
Viscosity can be similar but rheological behaviour is different at differnt shear rates
can have more liquid or more solid characteristics
Viscometer cannot measure..
Define these 4 things.
Yield stress: stress to elicit flow
High shear viscosity: spreadability and ease of application
Zero shear viscosity: at rest = stable = maintain viscosity/integrity
Thixotropy: regain of internal structure after breakdown
Rheometere has ____ shear range, high and low (visco just high)
Products may look simmilar______ at high shear rates
however can___ __ differntly at low shear rates
Rheometer has larger shear range, high and low (visco just high)
Products may look simmilar viscosity at high shear rates
however can behave differntly at low shear rates
What are geometrics?
Viscometer attachments to sample different parameters
Oscillation testing
_______ applied
_________ measured
____ angle measured
Oscillation testing
Deformation applied
Response measured
Phase angle measured
Dynamic Viscoelastic Material Response - determine if material is more elastic or viscous
In phase vs out of phase?
What is inbetween 0-90?
In phase = zero = elastic/solid
Out of phase = 90 = viscoius/liquid
Viscoelastic properties
G* = overall ______ to deformation
G’ =
G” =
G’ = elasticity
G” = viscosity
G’ > G” =
G’ < G” =
G’ > G” = more elastic, less than 45 degrees
G’ < G” = more viscous, more than 45 degrees
In phase, angle of ___ more ____ like
Out phase, angle of ___ more ____
In phase, angle of 0 more elastic like
Out phase, angle of 90 more viscous
Oscillatoin procedure: Amplitude and frequency.
What does amplitude test determine?
Linear viscoelastic region
Tell me about LVER
Talk about creepflow, internal structure and when a material will flow?
LVER is the region where creep flow happens, very insignifcant as internal structure is maintaned, however once stress surpassed a certain point = internal structure breaks down and material begins to flow
True or false
Materials can express differnt viscoelastic properties at differnt shear rates/ frequenceis
Yield stress
Point right when material begins to flow/slope
Mechanical properties of viscoelastic materials: texture anaylzer measures:
Shear stress vs normal stress
Shear: stress that acts in a dirrection parallel to the material surfaces they deform
Normal: act in directoin perpendicular to surfaces of material they deform
Viscoelastic strain?
Measure of realtive displacmentof particles of a material
E = stress/strain
higher VE stress = the more stress you can apply before stretrching actualy occurs
Mechanical Properties- Texture Analysis , 4 parameters
F1 - Firmness: max peak
A1 - Consistency: Frimness or thickness
A2/A1 - Cohesivness: rate material disintegrates under mechanical action
A3 - Adhesivness: work to overcome attracrive forces between surface of sample and other materials in contact
Consistancy in creams. What two tests are used?
Forward extrusion test: Stimulate force to extrude sample by consumer
Backward extrusion test: indication of product physical failure
Cold cream = w/o more sticky, and thick
Warm cream = o/w, less sticky
Cold cream, w/o = more resistance to deformatoin
Depends on continous/outside phase = cold cream cold on the outside
What is gel strength - measurement
Measure of the ablity of collodial dispersion to retain gel form
Resists flow up to a certain threshold
Spreadablity - attacthment probe, measures:
Cone shape, ease of flow, more work = difficult to spread
In vitro penetration studies.
What is a diffusion cell, give an example:
Mimic permeation in human skin: FRANZ CELL
Diffusion cell properties
- Inert
- Allow for membranes of differnt thickness
- maintainble at a certain temp and be reasonable cost
Plot of cummulative amount of chemical permeating in skin during in vitro permeation study:
L = h2 / 6D
what are these
L = Lag time H = thickness D = diffusoin coeffeient