L7, Managing market offerings Flashcards
what is a market offering?
Consist of a the core product, augmented product and potential product
such augmented products or services could be e.g.
- Delivery
- information
- brand
- packaging
- assortment
- services
- warranties
- education
how do you go from core product to offering?
- Adaption to individual customer needs
2- The time horizon is extended - the business starts early —> buying advice —> finance - the business ends later —> after sales become increasingly important, sometimes even more important than new sales
How can differentiation be accomplished?
Through “value add-ons”, often in term of services.
Name some statements if Theodore Levitt!
- There is no such thing as commodity
- All goods and services are possible to differentiate
- Tough the usual presumption is that it is more true of consumer goods than of industrial goods and services, the opposite is actually the case
Two perspectives of differentiation?
- Differentiate own products from competitors
2. Differentiate to customers, having diverse needs
Give some examples of differentiation for fork lifts
- The fork lift
- The fork lift
—> + service contract - The fork lift
—> + ICT-system for warehousing - Warehouse system
—> + The fork lift included - Operating the warehouse
—> including drivers and forklifts
Central issues within market offering?
- What and how much should be offered to individual customers or segments?
- How much services should be offered individual customers or segments?
What is flexible marketing offerings?
- Bundling of existing solutions to handle the fact that different costumers have different needs
- Combining standardization and adaptation
Name examples of standardization!
- Naked solution
- base product
- standardized
- uniform
Name some examples of adaptation!
- options
- add on:s
- Customized and tailor made
Make example of differentiated offerings
The offering can be differentiated both with regards to the product and the service, but also with regards to the customization level. A good idea is to offer a standard package and then also offer options both with regards to product and services.
How to handle green aspects of an offering?
- Ofter green arguments is not enough
- Risk for green markering myopia
- The green aspects need to come together with other arguments
- In some segments, green aspects are becoming part of the core
Give examples of industrial services?
CEO of Altas Copco sais
- “money is made in spare parts, maintenance and commodity items”
The strategy is that the USE of their products are to increase, and from the product use, Atlas Copco are to earn profits
Name some service offerings for atlas Copco!
- different levels of service deals - customer adapted
- machinery for rental
- service of both their own and other manufacturers tools
- “availabilty” sells system capacity not products
- monitoring
- preventive maintenance
- inspections of facilities
- system responsibility at customers
- sales of commodity items
- total solutions: planning, personal, project delivery
- particular brands for maintenance
Give examples of some support servies at atlas Copco?
- support to new sales
—> installation
—> develop customer relations - Improve the customer production process
—> analyses (environmental, efficiency etc.) - Support customers in efficient resource use:
—> automotive and control systems
—> consultancy - Maintain sold equipment
—> spare parts
—> reparations - Customer support
—> follow-up
—> tests