L7 - Investment Companies Flashcards
financial intermediaries collects funds from idv. investors and invests funds in potential range of assets pooling of assets - to diversify PF types: - open end funds = MF - closed-end funds - EFs - Unit Investment Trust UIT - Undertaking for collective investments in transferable securities (UCITS)
- Mutual Fund
IC buys pf of securities selected by PROFESIONAL investment adviser
to met specified financial goals
open end:
- obligated to buy back (redeem) shares of an investor at any me at current NAV
- cont. offering new fund shares to the public (share of MF actually participation of fund, diff. than share of company)
- Mutual fund
= invest in stock - publicly traded company
= invest in bonds (gov, municipal, alternative returns depending on credit quality)
= combination of stock + bonds into 1 fund
mix of risk - diversification - across diff. types of securities and issues of part. type of securities
= invest only in MM securities
funds yield depend entirely on performance of securities purchased
- Closed END FUNDS
IC issues a fixeed nr. g shared traded on stock exchange or OTC
specific type of hedge fund (buy non official assets?)
IC don´t redeem or issue shares continuously - only convert into money in spc. windows
externally managed - like MF
market price of CEF shares fluctuates and determined by S/D of marketplace
IC whose sole purpose is replicate index
IC whose shares ar traded inraday on stock exchanges at real market prices
trade on shares of ETF same as normal stocks
Diversification, professional management,
but ETFs shares traded in retail market like any other securities (diff. from MF)
investors buy/sell TF shares via brokers just like any there stock
mimick index - hence buy and sell shares accordingly to match index.
- Unit Investment Trust in US
pools of money invested in PF
fixed for the life of the fund
IC buys &holds a generally fixed PF of stocks, bonds, securities
most UT hold fixed-income securities &expire at their maturity
undertakings for collective investments in transferable securities
standard MF in EU but possible to market UCTIS across the EU without worrying in which country it is domiciled
ICI factbook
total net assets of wordwide regulated open-end funds
per instrument:
- equity -45%
- bond -21%
- mixed/other hybrid - 21%
- MM - 13%
per countries:
- US - 45%
- EU - 34%
- Asia - 13%
per household:
us household hold more than of their wealth in regulated funds (MTF, ETF) vs bank deposits and currency
US: 22-12
regulated funds = ncl. invested fund shares
Japan: 4-53
investment companies total net asset by type and nr of investment companies by type
mutual by far the greatest
closed-end –> ETFS –> UTISS
when no new shares within fund redeemed - TV of fund can still go up:
a) value moves depending on MV of this assets (price) (bond/share price)
b) demand: more people willing to invest/buying MF whence money invested foes up (even when return constant)
open end = invested funds 12.5
discretionary mandate = closed end 140% of GdP of EU union
MF vs individual investment
- creation of sufficient large PF to achieve adequate diversification of risk (intrinsic diversifiable risk reduction)
execution of large operations = price fees obtained are smaller than small/medium size
managers have greater professional knowledge than individual ones (should be smarter)
inst. investment enables profitability with very small amounts, vs other assets than requires higher minimum investment
- invest in MF = invest in many shares but money to invest in smaller than doing it on your own (pool of many funds of diff. inv together)
existence of series of operational adv:
coupons, interest, dividends
(they are in charge, fixed b MF)
MF vs individual investment
payment of management fee (reduced profitability of product)
Net asset value of fund (MV - fee)
- entry and exit must be at NAV (no intraday trading possible
- end of day
- some products even have only weekly or monthly liquidity
- it is still necessary to choose between diff funds
- carrying out range of investments policies
- and still fund with same investment terms might behave differently
(e. g. look for MF which adequate to risk portfolio, or what you are specifically looking at)
US: still only represents 27% of all investment in the market (regulated OE funds)
fund management companies
management companies
= limited companies with social purpose of which is the management represent &admin. of the MF
- elaborate regulations on how fund manage
- include the investment policies, which lays down the amount and portions in which fund will make investment
- cannot invest in everything - limited
- calculation of NAV on daily basis and issue and redemption of shares - UPDATE
- keeping accounting uptodate and informing participants os the state of assets
policies reflect aim of fund (reflected in the management policies managers should follow)
check investment policies: e.g. it says only invest in large cap, then it has to stick to it, cannot be changed
- limited investment possibilities
- increases risk?
fund management companies
- choice of securities reflected in accordance with
- guidelines laid down in management regulations,
- ordering the custodian institution to purchase
- and sell the shares
can manage several funds
Information about:
- where to invest
- fees: fund spec feeds, redemption feeds
- portfolio composition
- product summary
- price &performance: pf growth vs benchmark (10 larges holding only, but these can change, but not % of holding or sector tying to replicate)
- pf and management fees
- expenses: growth/income (average exp. ratio of similar funds)
investors/shareholder/unit holder
- individual or legal entity making contributions to investment fund
- UH have the right to obtain regular info. on PF of fund and value of shares
Fund Distribtuion Company:
- responsible for finding ivnestors
- dividing fund between them in exchange for a fee
Custodian Company:
- responsible for holding assets in which fund invests your wealth
- safeguarding interests of uniholder
- completion of shares subscription
- redistributing dividends of securities and profits from shares in circulation
- making securities purchase and sales operations
- collection of interest o dividends of asset in fund PF