L3 - Liquidity Flashcards
basic concepts
important ?
- time to get a transaction (execution time)
- index (should stock be incl. or not?)
- asset pricing
- market competitiveness
“easy to identify when seen, but difficult to define”
closer related to volatility than to returns the
ability to buy or sell significant quantities of a security quickly, anonymously
and with minimal or no price impact
implications on:
- transparency (lit vs dark pools)
- speed (HFT)
- LOB (depth, QSp)
focus on instant and forget about information
A) immediacy cost:
relative spread, difference between best bid and offer
b) Depth Volume at LOB
min. Volume needed o change prices
amount of shares/money available in the books
quoted bid-ask spread
cost of directly trading at the liquidity provider quoted prices instead of introducing a LO
immediacy cost
cost of buying and immed. selling stock you loose money - hence cost (or profit)
high spread low depth
inside trading - privilege information (some know exact price of stock but other don´t)
inside trading at beg. of day is very high, but when firm discloses info (price is more efficient)
hence only way to avoid this is increase spread
low spread, high volume
institutional investors closing transaction in the last minute
volume is important, but not directly related to depth (As depth is the shares available in the LOB)
Liquidity measure
immediacy costs exhibit usual patter
a) RSWT:
L shape intraday pattern
minimum at central hours or end ?
b) DWT:
progressively increases until last two trading hours, but smoothly decreases ?
trading activity during first interval is related with informed trading
quoted midpoint is more sensible o order flows
higher expected information-motivated activity
Components of QSp
a) adverse selection costs
asymmetric information among Market participants (inside traders will make profit)
b) inventory costs
cost of MM when providing liquidity to the market
dealer fixed a spread to control the risk of accumulating large inventory
c) order processing costs:
equipment and personnel (fixed noninfor. costs, operation costs)
high inventory, high costs, high spread
Asymmetric Information models
sequential trade models
randomly selected traders arrive at market
singly, sequentially, independently,
dealer establishes his profit max. spread by balancing expected total revenues from liquidity trading vs . expected loss from informed trading
- B/A spread increases with volatility, higher asset price level, lower volume
- rational dealer with always set:
a) higher ask
b) lower bid than he believes ‘true market price’ to be
sequential trade models
Glosten Milgrom Model
adverse selection by itself account for the existence of a spread between bid and ask
average magnitude depends:
- exogenous arrival pattern of insiders and liquidity traders
- elasticity of S&D among liquidity traders
- quality of information held by insiders
80`s model assume that informed traders only trade with market orders, unrealistic in LOB markets
GM models proves that an important component of spread is due to adv. selection
Liquidity over years
liquidity has impove over the yeas
spread has decreased (spec. introduction of algorithmic trading ? )
presence of algo &elect. trading and machines have decreased volume, shares of trading
decrease depth
but higher average message/min sent
pc001 (cancelling orders per cent of 1 second?) - quadratic form
depthtickbest - amount of money available at best quotes spreads (best bid/ask)
Main drivers of Quoted and Effective Spreads
suppliers of immediacy (MM or liquidity providers) are passive traders who stand ready to trade at price they quote
demanders of immediacy - active trades who actually place MO to trade immediately
immediate sales are usually made at bid price
immediate purchase at he ask price
Variables affective spread
cross-sectional relation of spreads to firms trading charact. is strong and has changed little over time: dollar volume (log) return variance stocks market cap stocks closing price number of trades per day
higher volume –> smaller spread - HIGH L
higher Volatiliy –> large spread - LOW L
higher market cap –> larger spread - LOW L
higher price (larger firms)–> smaller spread - HIGH L
ultra-fas activity
relationship: UFA and Market Quality
using standard. variables, after eliminating asset spec. variables (mean and var)
variables affecting liquidity:
- MOIMB = (Vol buy - Vol sell) in one-min interval
- VOLATM = average realised volatility in last 30 min
- PC100 - nr. of LO posted within 100 ms cancelled