L6V1 with radicals Flashcards
they (used for people only)
他們 tāmen / they
學校 xuéxiào / school --------------------------- 𦥯 xué / to learn ....臼 jiù / mortar; joint R134 ....冖 mì / crown; cover R14 ....爻 yáo / crisscross R89 校 xiào ....木 mù / tree R75 ....交 jiāo / friend; relationship ........ 六 liù / six ........ 乂 yì / bring under control
to be located at
在 zài / to be located at --------------------------- 土 tǔ / earth R32 (𠂇 zuǒ) (亻rén)
on a mountain; in the mountains
山 shān / mountain R46
上 shàng / on (top of)
哪裡 nǎlǐ / where --------------------------- 哪 nǎ / which; what 裡 lǐ / inside; interior ....衤(or 衣) yī / gown (dress) R145 .... 里 lǐ / village R166
辶 (or 辵) chuò / walk
袁 yuǎn / (a surname…)
that place; there
那裡 nàlǐ / that place; there --------------------------- 那 nà / that 裡 lǐ / inside; interior ....衤(or 衣) yī / gown (dress) R145 .... 里 lǐ / village R166
scenery; landscape
風景 fēngjǐng / scenery; landscape --------------------------- 風 fēng / wind; news R182 景 jǐng / scenery; view ....日 rì / sun R72 ....京 jīng / capital city ........亠 tóu / head R8 ........口 kǒu / mouth R30 ........小 xiǎo / small R42
羊 yáng / sheep R123
大 dà / big R37
前面 qiánmiàn / front --------------------------- 前 qián / front .... 刂 dāo / knife R18 .... 䒑 cǎo / grass R140 .... 月 yuè / moon R74 面 miàn / face; side
海 hǎi / ocean --------------------------- 氵(or 水) shuǐ / water R85 每 měi / every; each; per .... 𠂉 (???) .... 母 mǔ / mother
後面 hòumiàn / back --------------------------- 後 hòu / back; behind .... 彳chì / step R60 .... 幺 yāo / tiny R52 .... 夂 zhǐ / follow R34 面 miàn / face; side
山 shān / mountain R46
really; truly
真的 zhēn de / really; truly --------------------------- 真 zhēn / really .... 十 shí / ten R24 .... 具 jù / tool ; ability 的 de / attribute particle
地方 dìfāng / place --------------------------- 地 dì / earth; ground; field .... 土 tǔ / earth R32 .... 也 yě / too; also
方 fāng / square R70
(right) now
現在 xiànzài / (right) now --------------------------- 現 xiàn / present; now .... 玉 yù / jade R96 .... 見 jiàn / see R147
在 zài / to be located at
…. 土 tǔ / earth R32
…. (𠂇 zuǒ)
…. (亻rén)
vicinity; near
附近 fùjìn / vicinity; near --------------------------- 附 fù / add; attach; append .... ⻖ fù / mound R170 .... 付 fù / hand over to; pay
近 jìn /
…. 辶 (or 辵) chuò / walk
…. 斤 jīn / axe R69
樓下 lóuxià / downstairs --------------------------- 樓 lóu / floor; house; building .... 木 mù / tree R75 .... 婁 lóu / to wear; a constellation
下 xià / under; below; down
to meet; to see
扌(or 手) shǒu / hand R64
戈 gē / spear R62
朋友 péngyǒu / friend --------------------------- 朋 péng / friend 友 yǒu / friend; companion .... 又 yòu / and; also .... (𠂇 zuǒ)
to go to class
上課 shàngkè / to go to class --------------------------- 上 shàng / on (top of) ....一 yī / one R1 ....⺊ bo / fortune
課 kè / class; course; lesson
…. 言 yán / word ; speech R149
…. 果 guǒ / fruit
Hualian; city on the eastern coast of Taiwan
花蓮 Huālián / Hualian; city on the eastern coast of Taiwan --------------------------- 花 huā / flower .... 艹 cǎo / grass R140 .... 化 huà / spend; change; convert
蓮 lián / lotus .... 艹 cǎo / grass R140 .... 連 lián / company; to link ........ 車 chē / car R159 ........ 辶 (or 辵) chuò / walk
hear that
聽說 tīngshuō / hear that --------------------------- 聽 tīng .... 耳 ěr / ear R128 .... 王 wáng / king R96
…. 十 shí / ten R24
…. 罒 wǎng / net R122 (网)
…. 一 yī / one R1
…. 心 xīn / heart R61
說 shuō / to say
…. 言 yán / word ; speech R149
…. 兌 duì / exchange