L5V2 with radicals Flashcards
昨天 zuótiān / yesterday --------------------------- 昨 zuó / yesterday; the past .... 日 rì / sun R72 .... 乍 zhà / spread; extend
天 tiān / day; sky
….大 dà / big R37
….一 yī / one R1
餐廳 cāntīng / restaurant --------------------------- 餐 cān / food; meal .... 食 shí / meal; food .... (no other components on Pleco)
廳 tīng / hall .... 广 guǎng / wide; lean-to .... 聽 tīng ........ 耳 ěr / ear R128 ........ 王 wáng / king R96
…….. 十 shí / ten R24
…….. 罒 wǎng / net R122 (网)
…….. 一 yī / one R1
…….. 心 xīn / heart R61
but; however
可 kě / approve
是 shì / to be
hot; spicy
辣 là / hot; spicy --------------------------- 辛 xīn / suffering; hard; hot R160 束 shù / bind; tie; control .... 木 mù / tree R75 .... 口 kǒu / mouth R30
to not like; to fear
忄 (or 心) xīn / heart R61
白 bái / white R106
therefore; so
所以 suǒyǐ / therefore; so --------------------------- 所 suǒ / place .... 戶 hù / door R63 .... 斤 jīn / axe R69
以 yǐ / in order to
自 zì / self; oneself; small nose R132
己 jǐ / self; oneself R49
to cook
做饭 zuò fàn / to cook --------------------------- 做 zuò / do ....亻rén / man R9 ....故 gù / incident ........古 gǔ / old ............十 shí / ten R24 ............口 kǒu / mouth R30 ........⺙pū / knock; tap R66
飯 fàn / cooked rice
….食 shí / eat; meal R184
….反 fǎn / reverse
complement marker
得 de / complement marker --------------------------- 彳chì / step R60 旦 dàn / dawn 寸 cùn / inch R41
to be able to; to can
會 huì / to be able to; to can --------------------------- 曰 yuē / say R73 亼 jí / to gather; collect; assemble Difficult to decompose
甜點 tiándiǎn / dessert --------------------------- 甜 tián / sweet .... 舌 shé / tongue ........ 千 qiān / thousand ........ 口 kǒu / mouth R30 .... 甘 gān / sweet; pleasant R99
點 diǎn / to order (meals); drop (liquid) .... 黑 hēi / black; dark; wicked R203 .... 占 zhàn / occupy; seize; constitute; hold ........⺊(or卜) bo / fortune ........ 口 kǒu / mouth R30
not bad
不 bù / not
錯 cuò / fault
…. 金 jīn / metals; money; gold R167
…. 昔 xī / former times; the past
could (possibility)
可 kě / approve
以 yǐ / in order to
to teach
教 jiāo / to teach --------------------------- ⺙ (or 攴) pū / knock; tap R66 孝 xiào / obedience .... ⺹ lǎo / old R125 .... 子 zi / child R39
to (a place)
至 zhì / arrive R133
刂 dāo / knife R18
a little
有一點 yǒu yìdiǎn / a little --------------------------- 有 yǒu 一 yì 點 diǎn / to order (meals); drop (liquid) .... 黑 hēi / black; dark; wicked R203 .... 占 zhàn / occupy; seize; constitute; hold ........⺊(or卜) bo / fortune ........ 口 kǒu / mouth R30
not well
不好 bù hǎo / not well