L6 Overview of Brainstem Flashcards
What are the basic functions of the brainstem?
Modulation of arousal & conscious states
Reflexive & unconscious behaviour
Where does the brainstem extend to & from?
Rostrally from maxillary bodies and caudally to pyramidal decussation
What is the pyramidal decussastion
Where the white matter tracts from the motor cortex cross over. Occurs in the medulla & signals the end of the brain stem
Describe the gross anatomy of the midbrain
Dorsal: Has 2 pais of bumps - superior and inferior colliculi
Ventral: has 2 cerebral peduncles - huge white matter tracks which come down from the motor cortex
What are the superior & inferior colliculi important for?
Hearing & eye movement control
Describe the gross anatomy of the pons
Dorsal: linked with the cerebellum - dorsolaterally linked by 2 cerebellar peduncles. Limited by the 4th ventricle
Describe the gross anatomy of the medulla
Dorsal: Caudally has dorsal columns, nuceli gracile & cuneate tubercle - important for somatosensory pathways
ventral: Rostrally it has 2 bulged - inferior olivary nuclei
What are the peduncles of the brainstem?
White matter tracts
1 pair of cerebral penduncles on the ventral surface of the midbrain - huge tracts from the motor cortex (forebrain)
3 pairs of cerebellar peduncles on the dorsal surface - to/from the cerebellum
Describe the 3 internal regions of the brainstem & what they contain
- Dorsal region = tectum = superior and inferior colliculi of the midbrain
- Middle region = pons + medulla = tegmemtum. Contains ALL brainstem cranial nerve nuclei, most of reticular formation elements and major ascending tracts (sensory)
- Ventral region = basilar pons. Contains the motor structures i.e. cranial nuclei, motor tracts i.e. corticospinal tract