[L6]_Geothermal Systems Flashcards
What company is leading the rearching forefront on Ultra-Deep Geothermal Well drilling?
Quaise, a MIT spin-off company utilizing hijacking fusion technology to create ultra deep bore holes.
How do soil type and moisture affect geothermal heat pump performance?
The designer must take into account soil over saturation due to the timeline of the geothermal projects installation thus reducing effectiveness of the system.
What is the typical distance minimum required between two (2) horizontal closed loop trenches project?
10-FT minimum between Trenches
What is the frost depth level so that potable water in an underground pipe does not freeze?
5-Feet or deeper.
What is special about Quaise’s ultra deep well drilling rig?
Quaise’s hybrid ultra-deep drilling rig will combine traditional rotary drilling with
gyrotron-powered millimeter-wave directed energy drilling, pressure-purged with
electromagnetically-transparent argon gas.
What is the temperature range required to process beet sugar evaporation with geothermal energy?
225°F to 275°F
What is the definition of pressure gradient?
The direction of a medium whether a fluid or air that describes the direction and rate at which the pressure increases the fastest around a single location.
Name the four (4) geothermal piping loop design segments available to choose from.
- Vertical Closed Loop
- Horizontal Closed Loop
- Horizontal Coils (Slinky Design)
- Vertical Open Loop
What is the operational system downtime for a geothermal power system per day typically?
None. Geothermal power systems provide power 24-hrs a day.
What are the four (4) typical fluid mediums used for Geothermal Heat Pump projects?
- Propylene Glycol
- Ethanol
- Methanol
- CPTherm
What is the temperature range required to process geothermal heat pump systems with geothermal energy?
40°F to 70°F
How does a desuperheater work in a geothermal heat pump system?
A desuperheater is a device that extracts excess heat from the system and transfers it to a water tank, where it can be used to provide hot water for domestic use.
Name the four (4) geothermal deep well power system cycle types.
- Dry Steam Power Plant
- Single Flash Steam Power Plant
- Binary Cycle Power Plant
- Double Flash Power Plant
What is the item in the image?
Geothermal Heat Pump hydronic supply and return header control vault
List four (4) potential contaminents due to geothermal drilling projects.
- Risk of water contamination
- Land subsidence
- Emissions from drilling equipment
- Noise pollution
What is the best piping design configuration for a vertical bore closed loop geothermal heat pump project?
Parallel Reverse Return Piping Layout
What is the temperature range required to process binary power plants with geothermal energy?
200°F to 350°F
What is the temperature range required to process hydrogen production with geothermal energy?
350°F to 700°F
What is the depth of the deepest drill bore hole in the world?
The deepest drilled hole into the earth’s crust is claimed to be 12,262 meters
(7.5 miles) in 1970 over the Kola peninsula in Russia.
What is the GPM/ton range required for a typical cooling design?
2 to 3-GPM/Ton of Cooling
Name the five (5) layers of planet Earth from the outer to core layers?
- Atmosphere
- Crust
- Mantle
- Outer Core of Molten
- Solid Metal Inner Core
What is the crush depth of an American Seawolf Nuclear Submarine?
2,400-FT or 730-meters & 1,073-psi
What is the typical distance minimum required between two (2) vertical bores for a closed loop project?
20-FT minimum between vertical bore wells
Goethermal heating & cooling systems can be a cost saving system but the current ROI is too long to be considered easily profitable projects. What is condsidered the profitable ROI time frame?
An ROI of 5 years or less.
Name the four (4) layers of Earth’s atmosphere.
- Troposphere
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
- Thermosphere
What is the maximum permissible percentage of kW for a geothermal heat pump’s pumping system?
A maximum of 10% kW of all system power.
What is the typical range of depth for a vertical bore in regards to geothermal heat pump project?
100-FT to 500-FT of depth
What does the definition of Geothermal translate to?
Heat from the earth. [Geo = Earth; Thermal = Heat]
What is the life expectancy of a geothermal heat pump system?
A geothermal heat pump system can have a life expectancy of 20-25 years for the heat pump unit and up to 50 years for the ground loop system with proper maintenance and care.
What does the certification CGD mean?
Certified GeoExchange Designer