L6 Flashcards
external highly- convoluted.
gray matter of cerebral hemisphere
Cerebral cortex
extensive internal mass that partly encloses the basal ganglia.
of cerebral hemisphere
white matter
two hemispheres are linked by the
commissural fibers of ……
two cerebral hemispheres are
separated by
a deep *median longitudinal fissure which contains a crescent-shaped fold of the dura mater
(the falx cerebri).
Su rfaces of cerebral hemisphere
superolateral surface
medial surface is flat
inferior surface is irregular
parts of inferior surface of cerebral hemisphere
a) The orbital part is above the orbital and nasal roof.
b) The tentorial part lies in the middle cranial fossa posteriorly it lies above the tentorium cerebelli which separates it from the superior surface of the cerebellum
Borders of the cerebral hemisphere
-Superomedial border is the longest
-frontal ————- occipital
-superior sagittal sinus.
-** Inferolateral** border
-pre-occipital notch
-Superciliary border at the level of the eye brows.
-Medial border يفصل السرفس المديال عن الانفيرور
part of Medial border:
A) Medial orbital border
B) Parahippocampal border
C) Medial occipital border
from the (corpus callosum) to the occipital pole.
Limbic lobe (functional lobe) on the
…….of the cerebral hemisphere.
medial surface
Sulci on the superolateral surface
central sulcus
lateral fissure (sulcus)
Parieto-occipital sulcus
Sulci of lateral surface of all lobes
The central sulcus start
superomedial border
But lies on Superiorlateral surface
Which Sulci contain middle cerebral vessels
Lateral sulcus
Sulci on Lateral Surface of frontal lobe:
- Precentral sulcus
- Superior Frontal sulcus.
- Inferior Frontal sulcus.
Sulci on Lateral Surface of the parietal lobe:
- Postcentral sulcus
- Intraparietal sulcus
• Sulci on Lateral Surface of occipital lobe:
Lateral Occipital sulcus-
Lunate sulcus a short semilunar sulcus
Calcarine sulcus
• sulci on Lateral Surface of the temporal lobe:
- Superior Temporal sulcus.
- Inferior Temporal sulcus.
Gy ri on the superolateral surface
- Precentral Gyrus
- Superior, middle and inferior Frontal Gyri
- Postcentral Gyrus
- Superior Parietal Lobule
- Inferior Parietal Lobule
-Lateral, superior and inferior occipital gyri
- Superior, middle and inferior temporal Gyri
Location of Insula
part of the cerebral cortex lies in the bottom of the lateral sulcus.
Insula It is outlined by ……
circular sulcus.
close to the upper surface of
the corpus callosum separating it from the
cerebral cortex.
Callosal sulcus
Su lci on the medial surface
Callosal sulcus
Cingulate sulcus
Central sulcus
Calcarine sulcus
Parieto-occipital sulcus
كلهم C
Gy ri on the medial surface
Medial Surface of the frontal lobe:
- Medial Frontal Gyrus
- Paracentral Lobule
Medial Surface of parietal lobe:
- Paracentral Lobule
- Precuneus
Medial Surface of occipital lobe:
- Cuneus
- Lingual Gyrus
Cuneus bounded by?
parieto- occipital
calcarine sulci.
Lingual Gyrus bounded by
collateral sulcus and calcarine sulcus.
Sulci on the inferior surface
Olfactory sulcus
Orbital sulcus
Rhinal sulcus
Collateral sulcus
Occipitotemporal sulcus
Gyri on the inferior surface
Orbital surface :
-Gyrus Rectus
-Orbital gyri
Tentorial surface :
- Lingual Gyrus
- Medial and lateral Occipitotemporal Gyri
- Parahippocampal Gyrus
- Uncus
Cortical Areas in Frontal Lobe
- The precentral area
- The supplementary motor area.
- The frontal eye field.
- The motor speech area of Broca.
- The prefrontal cortex.
The precentral area is situated in
precentral gyrus
precentral area may be divided into
• The posterior region which is referred to as the motor area, primary motor area,or Brodmann area 4
• The anterior region is known as the premotor area, secondary motor area or Brodmann area 6 and parts of areas 8
Somatotopically organization of
the body in the motor areas
• The body hangs upside down with the larynx and tongue in the lowest part adjacent to the lateral
fissure, followed upward by the
head, upper limb, thorax,
abdomen, and lower extremity.
Primary motor cortex (somatic motor area); area 4
• Site:
precentral gyrus
over the
superiomedial border
into the
paracentral lobule
Premotor area:
premotor cortex, located anterior to area 4 consists of areas 6 and 8.
It occupies
anterior part of the precentral gyrus
and the posterior parts of the superior, middle, and
inferior frontal gyri.
Area 8, known as
the frontal eye field
The supplementary motor area:
medial frontal gyrus
the medial surface of the hemisphere
and anterior to the paracentral lobule.
T he motor speech area of Broca (area 44 & 45) site
inferior frontal gyrus
Th e sensory speech area of Wernicke
superior temporal gyrus of the left dominant
hemisphere, with extensions into the parietal region.
Wernicke area is connected to the Broca area by a bundle of nerve fibers called ……………
the arcuate fasciculus.
Cortical areas of parietal lobe
•primary somesthetic area (p rimary somatic sensory cortex S1)
• secondary somesthetic area (secondary) somatic sensory cortex S2)
• The somesthetic association area
primary somesthetic area:
• Site:
postcentral gyrus on
the lateral surface of the hemisphere
the posterior part of the paracentral lobulenon the medial surface (Brodmann areas 3, 1, and 2).
The secondary somesthetic area is in………….
the superior lip of the posterior limb of the lateral fissure.
somesthetic association area
superior parietal
lobule extending onto the medial surface
Cortical areas of Occipital Lobe
• The primary visual
area (Brodmann area 17).
• The secondary visual
area Brodmann areas 18 &19).
• The occipital eye field.
primary visual area (Brodmann area 17)
walls of the posterior part
of the
calcarine sulcus.
secondary visual area (Brodmann areas 18 and 19)
• It surrounds the primary visual area on the
medial and lateral surfaces of the hemisphere.
Cortical areas of temporal Lobe
• The primary auditory area. 41,42
• The secondary auditory area.
• the sensory speech area of Wernicke 22
T he primary auditory area (Brodmann areas 41 and 42)
inferior wall of the
lateral sulcus. + superior temporal gyrus
secondary auditory area (auditory association cortex)
posterior to the primary
auditory area
in the lateral sulcus and in
the superior temporal gyrus