L52: Tobacco And Health Flashcards
Non-communicable disease
- 63% people die from NCD
- 4 NCDs
—> CVD
—> cancers
—> chronic respiratory disease
—> diabetes - 4 risk factors
—> tobacco
—> diet
—> lack physical activity
—> alcohol
Smoking risk
- 50% will be killed
- 2/3 will be killed if start smoking at teenage
- kill 16 people each day in HK
- quit before 40 can avoid excess risk
- Group 1 carcinogen (same as Alcohol)
- not known to increase risk for breast, nasal pharyngeal cancer
- liver
- erectile dysfunction (50% risk increase, reduced volume, sperm count, abnormal sperm shape, motility)
- colorectal
- diabetes
2nd hand and 3rd hand smoke
2nd hand:
- Main stream smoke (15%, exhaled smoke)
- Side stream smoke (85%, smoke from lit cigarette, higher conc of carcinogens and toxic agents than MSS)
3rd hand:
- smoke residue on surface react with other chemicals
Short term effects and Health consequence of 2nd hand smoke
Short term effects:
- Irritation of mucous membrane (eye, nose)
- Headache
- Nausea
Health consequence:
- Stroke
- Lung cancer
- Respiratory symptoms in children (asthma, hospitalisation)
- Tuberculosis
- Coronary heart disease
Involuntary smoking
- excess risk from spouse exposure
- excess risk from workplace exposure
- no risk free level of exposure (separate smokers, cleaning air, ventilated buildings cannot eliminate exposure)
Health warnings on cigarette packs
- 12 types of pictorial warnings
- at least 85% covering of main surface
- misleading description is restricted
- Health warning messages
—> Quit Smoking for future generations
—> Quitline 1833 183
- Plain packaging
Youth-targeting smoking prevention
NOT effective since adults can induce young people to smoke
***WHO report on Global Tobacco Epidemic
6 policies: MPOWER
- Monitor: tobacco use and prevention policy
- Protect: people from tobacco smoke
- Offer: help to quit smoking
- Warn: risk of smoking
- Enforce: bans on ads, promotion by tobacco companies
- Raise: tobacco tax (Most effective)
Medical students as advocates
- public health advocacy
- lobbying
- research
- educational session
- Youth Quitline
Tobacco addiction
- Physiological (nicotine)
- Social / Psychological
Health benefits of smoking cessation
- CHD risks ↓ by 50% after 1 year, similar to non-smoker after 15 years
- Lung cancer risks ↓ to 50% of smokers after 10 years
- other cancer risks ↓
- Quit before 40 ↓ loss by 90%
- 2x cessation rate
- minimal side effects
- 1st line treatment
- low adherence
- appropriate counselling needed
- Bupropion (less effective than Varenicline)
- Varenicline
Tobacco control problems in HK
- No penalty for owners not taking actions to stop smoking in smoke-free place
- Smoking at bus stops
- Displays of cigarettes
- Price too low
- 3rd hand smoke
***Minimal approach as doctors
- Ask
- Warn
- Advice
- Refer
- Do it again
3 components of E-cigarette
- Battey
- Atomizer (heating device)
- Cartridge
***E-cigarette vs HNB tobacco
- do not burn/use tobacco leaves (NO tobacco)
- have/no nicotine
- vaporize a solution containing nicotine
- unknown harms
- appealing to youth: flavours —> Diacetyl (bronchiolitis obliterans)
- harmful ingredients: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), formaldehyde, glycerin
- cause pro-inflammatory response —> ↑ respiratory resistance (asthma, COPD)
- sympathetic predominance, ↑ oxidative stress —> CVD risk
- damage DNA —> cancer
- heavy metals —> brain damage, cancer
- NOT an aid to quit smoking —> more likely to smoke / nicotine addiction
Heat-not-burn tobacco:
- heat up tobacco stick / capsule using heat (350oC) rather than combustion
- contain nicotine
- main ingredient: tobacco —> nicotine
- harmful ingredient: nicotine, VOC, CO, PAH
- may have higher content of nicotine + tar than traditional cigarette
Amendment bill to Smoking Ordinance
- prohibit alternative smoking products (e-cigarette, HNB tobacco product)
- import, manufacture, sale, distribution and advertisement are banned