L5: Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Flashcards
What are the types of stem cells?
What is the origin of embryonic stem cells?
→pre-implantation embryo
Give examples of stem cells uses
→ Model for basic and translational studies →Cell replacement therapy →Cell differentiation →3D organoid models →Drug screening
What can endodermal line differentiate into?
What can mesodermal line differentiate into?
→heart muscle
What can ectodermal line differentiate into?
How are tissue specific stem cells maintained?
→special supportive microenvironments called stem cell niches.
What are the features of stem cell niches?
→Supporting ECM
→neighbouring niche cells
→secreted soluble signalling factors (e.g. growth factors and cytokines)
→physical parameters; shear stress, tissue stiffness, and topography),
→environmental signals (metabolites, hypoxia, inflammation, etc.).
What are the advantages of ESCs
→pluripotent- differentiate into any type of cell
→unlimited growth potential, high cell potency
→very low probability of mutation-induced damage in DNA
What are the disadvantages of ESCs?
→higher risk of tumour creation- spontaneous disease
→risk of being genetically different from the recipient’s cells- rejection
What are the advantages of adult stem cells?
→compatible with recipient’s cells- low risk of rejection
→less risk of tumour creation
What are the disadvantages of adult stem cells?
→oligopotent, limited cell potency
→limited numbers may be obtained
→higher probability of mutation induced damage of DNA
What are the advantages of induced pluripotent stem cells?
→low risk of rejection
What are the disadvantages of iPSCs?
→low growth potential
→low risk of tumour formation
→rather limited numbers may be induced
→higher probability of mutation induced damage of DNA
What do iPSCs and ESCs have in common?
→cells have a similar global gene expression profile to that of ES cells
Describe how iPSCs are generated?
→c-Myc promotes DNA replication and relaxes chromatin structure,
→allows Oct3/4 to access its target genes.
→Sox2 and Klf4 also co-operate with Oct3/4 to activate target genes
these encode transcription factors which establish the pluripotent transcription factor network
→result in the activation of the epigenetic processes (more open chromatin) that establish the pluripotent epigenome.
What are the pluripotent factors involved in iPSCs generation?
What factor does Klf4 and Sox2co-operate with?
What type of chromatin is present in pluripotent iPSCs?
→most of the chromatin exists as euchromatin
→bearing histone marks associated with transcriptional activity
What is adult cardiomyocyte turnover like?
What are the two types of regenerative strategies?
→Cell transplantation
→direct stimulation of endogenous cardiomyocyte production
What is cell transplantation aimed at?
→replenishing lost cardiomyocytes.
What are the challenges of cell based regenerative therapies?
→Immune rejection, manufacture
→isolation of sufficient cells, mode of delivery
→clinical regulation all challenges.
What does cell free regenerative therapy involve?
→re-activation of developmental pathways e.g. epicardium based on models where the is no/reduced scarring and full cardiac regeneration
What is neovascularisation?
→Improved circulation to injured area
→Paracrine effects improving CM replacement
What is reactivation of epicardium important for?
→coronary blood vessels
Compare immune response of CV disease in adults and neonatal
→adults= monocytes derived macrophage, no CM proliferation, and limited vascularisation
→fibrotic scar, contractile dysfunction
→neonatal= infiltration of injury by embryonic macrophages, and cardiomyocytes proliferation, and CM revascularisation
→functional recovery
How are cardiac lineages from iPSCs made?
→Somatic cells are reprogrammed by Ymanak factors eg OCT4 and Sox2 to make iPSCs
→iPSCs exposed to GSK3b inhibition to make pre-cardiac mesoderm
→Wnt signalling inhibition to make CV progenitor cells
→exposed to TGF-b, PDGF, VEGF to make specialised cardiac cells
What is necessary for epicardial migration and coronary vasculature in developmental gene activation?
→Myocardial thymosin β4
What does addition of Tb4 to adult hearts do?
→stimulate epicardial outgrowth and neovascualarisation
What is involved in transplantation and paracrine signals in CV regeneration?
→grafting sheet cells onto a heart
→cells do not seem to integrate into the heart tissue. Instead, they may release paracrine factors that help to regenerate the damaged muscle.
What is lost in a MI?
→Epicardial expression
→FSTL1 in the epicardium has potent cardiogenic activity
What is involved in stem cell therapy for cancer?
→Effector immune cells from iPSC/ESCs e.g. engineered T and NK cells targeted for immunotherapy.
→MSCs/NSCs deliver genes, nanoparticles, and oncolytic viruses to tumour niche
→Mutation correction in vitro, drug testing in vitro before replacement in vivo.
How are burns treated?
→Generate ECM and produce paracrine signals which aid healing
What are the different types of stem cells involved in burn therapy?
→fetal fibroblasts from ESCs
→epidermal stem cells
How are fetal fibroblasts used in burn therapy?
→improve skin repair due to the high expansion ability,
→low immunogenicity,
→intense secretion of bioactive substances such asFGFs, VEGFs, KGFs
What do fetal fibroblasts secrete?
Why are epidermal stems cells used in burn therapy?
→high proliferation rate
→easy access
→keep their potency and differentiation potential for long periods.
→Generate most skin cell types for repair and regeneration
Why are MSC used in burn therapy?
→They have a high differentiation potential
→a certain degree of plasticity.
→Migrate to the injured tissues, differentiate,
→regulate the tissue regeneration by the production of growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines
Why are iPSCs used in burn therapy?
→can be differentiated into dermal fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and melanocytes
What are limbal stem cells?
→Stem cells at the edge of the cornea
What happens if limbal cells ate lost?
→cornea can no longer be repaired
How are limbal cells used to treat eye injury or disease?
→Limbal stem cells are collected from an adequately healthy donor eye
→are expanded in the laboratory to sufficient number
→transplanted into the damaged eye
→Repairs the cornea and permanently restores vision.
How is rejection avoided in eye injury therapy?
→works if the patient has a healthy section of limbus from which to collect the limbal stem cells.
How is iPSCs used to treat eye injury?
be induced to make corneal epithelial cells for transplant
→exposure to the right signals can transform fibroblast cells into limbal stem cells
What is RPE?
→Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a single layer of post-mitotic cells, acting as a selective barrier to and a vegetative regulator of the overlying photoreceptor layer
What can happen to the eye without RPE?
→parts of the retina can die
How can the RPE be damaged?
→age-related macular degeneration (AMD),
→retinitis pigmentosa
→Leber’s congenital aneurosis.
How can RPEs be made?
→ESC and iPSC
How are iPSCs used to treat spinal injury?
→somatic cells biopsies from patients
→transform into iPSCs
→differentiate into different neural cells
What results do NSPCs therapy in spinal injury show?
→can form functional synaptic subnetworks whose activity patterns resemble intact spinal cord
→grafts can integrate into sites of spinal cord injury (SCI) and generate neuronal relays across lesions