L5 Psychological Explanations for SZ Flashcards
What are the two main psychological explanations for SZ?
Family dysfunction and Cognitive Explanations
What are the 3 family dysfunction explanations?
The Schizophrenogenic Mother
Double Bind Theory
Expressed Emotions
The Schizophrenogenic Mother
- This type of mother is cold, rejecting and controlling, creating a family climate of secrecy and tension
- Leads to the child having a lack of trust in relationships that later develop into paranoid delusions, ultimately developing into SZ
- The Father is often passive and does not get involved in the upbringing
Double Bind Theory
- Bateson et al suggested that children who received contradictory messages from parents, e.g the mum says they love them and looks away in disgust
- The child finds themselves trapped in situations which they fear doing the wrong thing but receive mixed messages about what the right thing is
- The child sees the world as a dangerous, uncertain place - leading to paranoid delusions and SZ
Expressed Emotion
- The level of negative emotion expressed towards a patient by their parents
- This can be verbal criticism, shown with violence
- Hostility towards the patients, including anger and rejection
- Emotional over-involvement, showing self-sacrifice for the patients
Strengths of Family Dysfunction? (2)
Finnish Adoptees
Double Bind research
Finnish Adoptees (+) FD
- Research support, found Finnish adoptees who were biologically inclined to have SZ are more likely to get it
- However this was only the case when their adopted parents relationships was dysfunctional, showing environmental conditions were just as important as biological ones
Double Bind research (+) FD
- SZ patients recalled more double-blind statements from their parents than non-SZ patients
- However this has validity issues, as their memory may be impaired due to the delusions and hallucinations experiences during SZ, making it harder to verify if their recall is accurate
Weaknesses of Family Dysfunction? (2)
Parent Blaming
Does not account for biology
Parent Blaming (-) FD
- The dysfunctional family explanations for SZ can be unethical
- They put pressure on parents and blame them entirely for their child’s SZ
- This can lead to further trauma for the parents and cause harm
Does not account for biology (-) FD
- Does not consider that the abnormal thinking and dysfunctional thought processes are due to abnormal levels of dopamine
- Does not consider the dopamine hypothesis enough
What is the Cognitive Explanation for SZ?
- Focus on the role of mental thought processes
- SZ is associated with several types of dysfunctional thought processing and this is used to explain SZ
What are the two Cognitive Explanations presented by Frith et al?
Central Control
What is Metarepresentation?
- The cognitive ability to reflect on thoughts and behaviour which enables us an insight into our own intentions and goals, also allows us to interpret actions of others
- Dysfunction in this would disrupt the ability to know your own actions and thoughts as your own and not someone else’s
- This could explain symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and delusions where an SZ patient believes someone is putting thoughts into their head
What is Central Control?
- Cognitive ability to suppress automatic responses while we perform other actions that are more necessary
- Speech poverty and thought disorder could arise from the inability to ignore your own automatic thoughts
- Derailment can occur where the sufferer is unable to think properly due to their being too much going on in their thought processes
Strengths of the Cognitive Explanation? (2)
Word colour task
CBT (+) CE
- The cognitive approach has clear applications and is shown through the success of CBT
- CBT aims to challenge the hallucinations and delusions by challenging this dysfunctional thinking
- This being an effective treatment shows the merit the cognitive explanation has in understanding SZ
Word colour task (+) CE
- Compared 30 SZ patients with 18 non-patients
- He found that SZ patients took twice as long to say the colour of the words in a task where they had to separate the colour from the word
- This shows that SZ is accompanied by the notion of dysfunctional thinking
Weaknesses of the Cognitive Explanation? (2)
Does not account for biology
Does not account for biology (-) CE
- The cognitive explanation reduces SZ down to dysfunctional thinking
- Does not account that the cause of the dysfunctional thinking and subsequent SZ is a result of abnormal dopamine levels
- This adds an element not considered by the cognitive explanation
Reductionist (-) CE
- Can be argued ideas like metarepresentation are extremely reductionist
- They reduce a complex illness like SZ down to three simple parts, and one area of dysfunction when many are involved