L5: Plate Tectonics Flashcards
What is seafloor spreading?
A theory proposed during the 60s in which suggesting lateral movement of the oceanic crust away from mid-ocean ridges
What occurs during seafloor spreading?
- The release of pressure at mid-ocean ridges as the plates move apart, which allows hot magma from the asthenosphere to reach the ocean floor.
- There it cools and crystallizes to form new lithosphere
- The system of mid-ocean ridges along divergent plate boundaries forms linear submarine mountain chains
- Youngest rocks are located closest to the ocean ridges; progressively older as you travel further
Divergent plate margins.
- Fractures in the lithosphere where 2 plates move apart
- AKA spreading centers
- Can occur in plates capped by either continental or oceanic crust
Convergent plate margins
- Occur where 2 plates are moving towards each other
- Can occur in oceanic, continental, or both
- Because of their very different properties, the results of the convergence will be fundamentally different
Transform fault plate margins.
Fractures in the lithosphere where 2 plates slide past each other, grinding and abrading their edges as they do so. Can occur in both oceanic or in continental crust
Ocean crust is _____ than continental crust, hence the reason for very old ________.
- Stable
- Continents
Define continental drift.
Slow movement of continents across the face of earth
Define continental-rift zone.
Rifting and spreading zones on continents are characterized by rift valley, volcanism, and earthquakes
What is continental rifting?
Mantle material also rises from near the core-mantle boundary in the form of thermal plumes
What are thermal plumes?
- Occurs in continental rifting
- When a plume nears the lithosphere with overlying continent, it dreads laterally, doming the overlying plate and moving the rifted segments outward from the central area
- Uplifts results in fractures that eventually can open up to form narrow oceanic tracts
Describe the process rifting/rifting Africa (?)
The dissection of a continent and potential birth of a plate
Huge continental masses act as thermal blankets; they slowly heat up and expand
Notes bc that shit LONG
What is the Wilson Cycle?
- The opening of new ocean basins along divergent zones, the expansion of the basin as seafloor spreading continues, and the ultimate closure of the basin as plates converge
- Occurs bc spreading is not continuous; eventually needs to close
List the forms of plate margins.
- Divergent boundaries
- Convergent boundaries
- Transform boundaries
- Hot spots
Define ocean-continent boundaries.
- Continental lithosphere is relatively low in density and buoyant
- Fe rich mantle
Describe the process of ocean-continent boundaries.
Oceanic lithosphere is more similar in density to the underlying asthenosphere, so it’s easily forced under the continental material when the plates converge. (subduction)