L5, Mitochondria and Telomeres in aging Flashcards
Mitochondrial dysfunction with age:
Enzyme example in mice
- Rate of mtDNA mutation is 100-1000x higher than nucleus
- Mitochondrial function declines with age
- Lots of conflict opinions about mitochondrial involvement and FRT in field
- Lon protease declines with age in sedentary mice
- Lon protease = mt matrix protein which degrades misshapen proteins
- However, there is not a vicious cycle in place (mutation cycle)
Mice engineered with proof-reading deficient PolgA:
- 2007 study in mice
- PolgA= catalytic subunit of mtDNA polymerase
- Expecting more mtDNA mutations to arise -> increased rate of aging
- Results showed increased pathologies, increased aging side effects (greying, hearing loss, cardiomyopathy etc)
- Shorter lifespan
- Effect was prevented by endurance exercise -> known to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis
- Further study: mitochondrial point mutations found not to limit natural lifespan of mice, but deletions do
Quality control of mitochondrial proteostasis (3 levels):
Grouped by severity of damage
- Minor damage: Managed at molecular level by chaperones and proteases -> protein folding and turnover, e.g. reduced Lon protease
- IM damage I (Organellar QC): mitochondrial fusion causes content mixing, SIMH (e.g. stress-induced mt hyperfusion)
- IM damage II (Organellar QC): Mitochondrial fission -> segregation and mitophagy (cf. Lysosomes, lipofuscin)
- Major damage: Managed on cellular level -> Apoptosis (MOMP, cytochrome c release, cellular turnover)
- Dose-response phenomenon
- Low dose: stimulation, high dose: inhibition (or vice versa)
- First observed in tracheal cilia under different doses of strong oxidants
Mitochondrial hormesis under mild stress:
- Mild mitochondrial stress promoting cellular health
- Stress signalling (retrograde response / ETC disruption, exercise or DR induced metabolic stress) -> upregulation of stress coping mechanisms in nucleus -> promotes gene stability, energy mobilisation, autophagy and mitophagy upregulation, TOR inhibition
- Process appears to be inhibited by antioxidants
Signalling in rapidly growing cells (AP in mitochondria):
(In mitochondria)
- Rapidly growing cells limited by ATP production -> actively inhibiting mitophagy to maximise mitochondrial ATP production
- This process maximises early growth and reproduction, but permits the persistence of damaged mitochondria
- In this case, mitophagy is inhibited via ROS-dependent activation of insulin signalling
Role of telomeres in lifespan of a chromosome:
- Protect against uneven chromosome segregation and cancer
- Chromosomes lose telomeric DNA with each division -> arrested when sufficiently eroded -> Hayflick limit
- Telomerase activated in many cancers to evade this (85-90% of malignant biopsies are telomerase positive)
Stem cell depletion argument:
- Debunked
- Idea that telomere erosion causes stem cells to senesce -> no rejuvenation
Evidence against stem cell depletion argument:
- Mice have constitutively active telomerase (and thus long telomeres)
- Humans have repressed telomerase
- Mice don’t get stem cell depletion yet they have hugely shorter lifespans
- -> telomere shortening and replicative senescence unlikely cause of aging
Purported role of replicative senescence in cancer suppression:
Links to evolutionary theories
- Theory that the evolution of homeotherms with increased metabolic rate and thus DNA damage/telomere erosion due to ROS production -> cancer
- Selective pressure to upregulate replicative senescence to root out more frequent damaged cells
Mammalian ancestors vs aquatic poikilotherms and telomeres:
- Mammalian ancestors had human type with short telomeres and repressed telomerase
- Aquatic poikilotherms had short telomeres but expressed telomerase
- -> telomerase repression likely evolved to protect against tumours
Telomeres in humans:
- Short telomeres associated with CVD (not causative)
- Short telomeres generally speaking, with repressed telomerase
- No correlation/causative link found between telomere length and frailty or CVD (West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study)
Telomerase gene therapy in mice:
- 2021 paper investigating intranasal and injectable gene therapy route
- Used cytomegalovirus virus to transfect mice with TERT
- Lifespan extended considerably (max lifespan 29 mths vs 40)
Cell senescence: How is it induced, hallmarks?
- Stress or damage induced
- Irreversible, non-dividing state
- Cell still able to metabolise and express genes
- Larger with increased lysosomal mass
- Express p16INIK4a (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor; tumor suppression)
- May be labelled using SA-beta-gal
Key initiators of cell senescence:
- Telomere erosion
- Oncogene overexpression
- ROS-mediated DNA damage
- Mitochondrial dysfunction
- Inflammation
- -> DDR -> p53 activated -> G1 arrest
- Senescence-associated secretory phenotype -> noxious cell microenvironment
- Varies between cell types but proinflammatory cytokines most common, e.g. GM-CSF (link to B301 L9)
- Various effectors, including EMT, angiogenesis (via VEGF), MMPs, cell proliferation (via GROs)
- Also: chemotherapy resistance and stem cell renewal/differentiation
- Excellent example of hormesis and AP; detrimental effect is late onset and chronic
- Associated with various inflammation-related pathologies (atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, osteoarthtritis etc)
Treating senescence in humans and mice:
- Mouse study: killing senescent cells improved health and lifespan, used a p16INK4a targeting transgene
- Human clinical trial: Senolytic agents (dasatinib and quercetin) -> removing senescent cells, diabetic theoretical kidney disease treatment
Parabiosis in mice: (Findings)
- Milieu, not stem cells, limits muscle regeneration in old mice
- Isochronic young: good tissue regeneration
- Heterochronic: ‘ ‘
- Isochronic old: impaired regeneration
Application of membrane pacemaker theory to mitochondria:
- Likelihood of mt membrane lipid peroxidation correlates inversely with lifespan
- ROS nearly all produced in mitochondria
Mouse type telomeres: What are they and why did they likely evolve?
- Constitutively active telomerase and long telomeres
- Possibly trade-off; evolving resistance to oxidative damage instead of foregoing replicative capacity -> longer telomeres to cope with erosion
Correlations across species: Telomeres, oxidants and lifespan
- Telomerase expression correlates negatively with mass
- Telomere length correlates negatively with lifespan
- Species with a high extrinsic mortality may have reverted to long telomeres to limit somatic maintenance costs and boost cell stemness, to cope with injuries
Why may cell senescence have evolved, AP effect later in life:
- Beneficial short term efects; stop damaged cells from dividing -> prevents cancer
- Evidence for positive role in tissue repair (resolving fibrosis)
- However, detrimental chronic effect; noxious cell microenvironment, disruption of tissue integrity, promoting chronic inflammation -> cancer promotion
List 7 diseases associated with cell senescence:
- Glaucoma
- Atherosclerosis
- Liver cirrhosis
- Glomerulosclerosis
- Type 2 diabetes
- Sarcopenia
- Osteoarthritis
Human blood biomarkers of mortality risk: (x4)
- Orosomucoid
- Albumin
- VLDL size
- Citrate
+ Skeletal muscle studies in humans: Mitochondrial aging
- Decline in activity of mitochondrial enzymes (e.g. citrate synthase)
- Decrease in respiratory capacity per mitochondria
- Increased ROS production
- Reduced phosphocreatine recovery time (in vivo measurement of mitochondrial respiratory capacity)
+ How is mitochondrial biogenesis signalled?
- Endurance exercise -> mitochondrial biogenesis
- Largely coordinated by PCG-1a
- This regulates the activity of several TFs including NRF1 and NRF2, TFAM
- Increasing PGC-1a levels in mice was sufficient to stall age-related sarcopenia
+ Mitochondrial UPR and longevity
- Stress response pathway; initially observed in conditions of mit genome depletion or accumulation of misfolded proteins in mitochondria
- Involves transcriptional changes affecting vast range of mitochondrial processes (chaperone proteins, ROS defenses, metabolism, regulation of iron sulfur cluster assembly, modulation of innate immune response)
- Largely studied in nematode worms -> long-lived mitochondrial mutants appear to require activation of UPR^mt (not observed in other mutants e.g. IIS mutants)