L5 - IMF & WTO Flashcards
Lesage, D. (2013) ‘The architecture of international monetary and financial governance.’ (Post WW2 focus)
Identifies three ‘basic logics’ which characterises the architecture of the global banking system - functional, geopolitical and managerial.
POST WW2 = - US only member with veto power in IMF+WB - important decisions require 85% majority
- Informal deal between US and WE in IMF = European, WB = US
- Quotas = equity capital, Govs facing a balance of payments crisis can borrow - avoiding devaluation or extreme austerity measures
- Quotas are related to a countries economic weight, openness and monetary reserves
Short history of the WTO
1947 - General Agreements on Tariffs & Trade (GATT) first multi-lateral trade agreement in history
1994 Uruguay Round deepened liberalisation, including agreements in GATS + TRIPS
reflection of NL following CW
WTO set up to monitor + promote trade liberalisation, also a dispute settlement system
Today 166 members (98%) 22 candidates
Collapse of the DDR
DDR was a new agreement following Uruguay
1999 Seattle gridlock (North v South)
2001 DDAgenda launch, emphasis on developing
2003 G20 V G7 - G20 trade of new emerging economies, gridlock on domestic agriculture subsidies, industrial goods access, G20 wanted agricultural access, west wanted services, e-commerce etc and labour rights
2013 Bali agreement on trade facilitation
2015 nairobi failure - agriculture and developing economy hesitation
Factors slowing trade liberalisation
exposure to export competition, industrial relocation, growing socio-economic uncertainty - standards (labour/products)
Trans atlantic trade and investment partnership
EU+Obama - non-tariff trade barriers - concerns over standards - investor-state dispute settlement - TRUMP PULLS OUT
trans-pacific partnership
6 year negotiation, Obama ‘asian pivot’ to counter china, TRUMP PULLS OUT, turned into comprehensive and progressive transpacific partnership agreement 2018, china applies 2021
Regional comprehensive economic partnership
15 countries from asia & pacific + china, less comp than CPTPP, focus on industrial tariffs, weak investment, intellectual property
absorbed existing bilateral trade deals - 1/3 world popilation + GDP, signed 2020, in force 2022
Role of China, India, Brazil
Push to liberalise world markets in strong sectors, protectionist in others, china eg becoming main agricultural subsidizer - harmful for weaker farmers in poorer countries
US-CH Trade war
US V China state subsidies, theft of IP, agricultural barriers
2018-2019 US measures on more than 400bn chinese imports
2020 phase 1 trade deal
2021-2025 biden CHIPS act against semiconducter trade, china complains to WTO settlement system
Crisis of the Appellate Body?
Key dispute settlement mechanism. appeal body after ‘panel report’ - normally 7 members, 3 members needed to adjudicate on a case
US refusal to consider replacements for new members, since 2020 dispute mechanism down
EU set up multi-party interim appeal arrangement
BIDEN wants reform - only go to AB if both bodies agree, more freedom to use subsidies, more freedom to impose tariffs for nat security
Mandate of the IMF
‘support fixed but adjustable exchange rates’ (pegged to USD) - focuses on stability of the global financial system
191 members
Basel hub for monetary and financial cooperation
The Basel Hub is a global center for financial stability based in Basel, Switzerland.
It houses the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), setting global banking regulations.
Focuses on capital requirements, risk management, and liquidity standards to promote financial stability.
Surveillance role of the IMF
watching risks (national) + spillovers, mandatory annual ‘article IV consultations’ - IMF investigations, regional + global reports
Special Drawing rights = international reserve (quasi Gold)
USD650 billion new SDR allocation approved, in response to financial impact of Covid-19 = historic
SDR = IMF basket currency = money creation for central banks’ monetary reserves
SDR are allocated according to quotas → Most stick first with rich countries and major economies
Now finding ways to channel money to countries most in need
G20 decided USD100 billion should go to vulnerable countries
SDR are not given to poorer countries as a gift
Why is it difficult?
Small part will be channelled to IMF lending vehicles, and a very small part to regional developing banks; What poorer countries will get, is all in the form of loans.
EU countries reluctant to send SDRs to multilateral development banks as EU rules go against funding of development through central banks
‘Comparative advantage’ of the IMF
multilateral pooling of finance + risks, knowledge center…
Global economic stability
Lender of last resort
Surveillance and monitoring
Influence in global governance