L5-6 Flashcards
E3 ubiquitin ligase
protein facilitating ubiquitin chain attachment to a target protein
UPP (ubiquitin proteasome pathway)
- 5 ub molecule chain to protein substrate for 26s proteasome recog
- ub removed and protein linearized/ injected into core of proteasome for degradation to peptides
- peptidases degrade to amino acids
lowering of O2 concentration compared to sea level +/- 20.9%
cellular responses to hypoxia
O2 homeostasis restoration
cell survival
cell death
Hypoxia Inducible Factor
heterodimeric txn factor (alpha and beta)
HIF family members
located on 1a2a3a and 1b of HIF
on all HIF family members
oxygen dependent degradation domain
on 1a2a3a
nuclear localization signal
on 1a/2a on HIF
HIF 1alpha
ubiquitous expression in all tissues
not regulated by O2
expressed in certain tissues
same as 1alpha
certain tissues
dominant neg inhibitor of 1alpha/2alpha
activates different set of genes in hypoxia
proline hydroxylases
regulate HIF
require O2
HIF 1alpha regulation
constitutive RNA pol II transcription of Ch14 gene and translated to protein
res hydroxylation regulates sub-units PTR
HIF 1 alpha in normoxic conditions
protein hydroxylase hydroxylates HIF, E3 ubiquitin ligase (Von Lindau Protein) binds
HIF degraded
HIF1 alpha in hypoxic conditions
PH doesn’t hydroxylate HIF, therefore Von Lindau protein doesn’t bind
HIF stays
factor inhibiting HIF
does asparagine phosphorylation
requires oxygen
What happens when HIF1alpha is active in hypoxic condition?
dimerizes with HIF1beta
activates target gene txn
CTAD can interact with co-activators (p300/CBP)
HIF targets
oxygen supply regulation
cell death
HIF control
cell growth
modular domains of p53
Transactivation domain
proline rich
dna binding
nuclear localization sequence
p53 outcomes
tumour suppression
stem cell modulation
inhibitor of p53
phosphorylated in case of DNA damage/ cell cycle abnormalities/ hypoxia
type of E3-ub ligase
mdm2 function
promotes ubiquitination of p53 and proteasome degradation
phosphorylation of mdm2
phosphorylated w p53 at ser15 by ATM/ATR kinases, disrupting interaction
mdm2 feedback loop
p53 activates mdm2 gene expression, limiting self
therefore inactivation of p53 when mdm2 is overexpressed
tumour suppressor
expression induced by oncogenes
disrupts p53 and mdm2 interaction
binds mdm2 decreasing ub ligase activity
cancer mutations in p53
in DNA binding domains
Li-Fraumeni syndrome
mutation in TP53 (genetic blueprint for p53)
HIF/P53 similarities
rapid activation due to constitutive production and activation
proteolysis regulation
both p53/NFkB activated by similar stimuli
differences within NFkB/HIF/p53
NFkB involves inhibitor degradation
HIF/p53 degraded continuously
cross-talk regulation
RelA can suppress p53 and vice versa
activation of p53 decreases p300 association w RelA so less txn occurs
NFkB can also induce mdm2 expression
what happens to naive T cells after leaving the thymus?
they recirculate via secondary lymphoid tissue blood/ lymphatics
Ag/ APC contact > clonal proliferation and differentiation
CD8+ T cells
kill infected cell expressing peptide/ MHC I complexes
CD4+ T cells
secrete cytokines
recognize peptide/ MHC II complexes
high endothelial venules
naive T cell circulation
- enter lymph node via HEV from blood
- move into T cell area
- inactivated T leave via cortical sinuses to lymphatics and re-enter circulation
cell adhesion molecules
expressed on T surface (chemokine receptors) and bind ligands (chemokines) expressed by other cells
mediate cell/cell interactions of sets
TCR recognition of APC peptides/ MHC complexes
TCR complex signal
^CAM affinity
T division
differentiation to effector cells and exit LN for T cell-mediated response
Leukocyte Function-Associated Antigen (integrin)
initial binding of T
Intercellular adhesion molecule
initial binding of T cell
lymphoid tissue components
lymph nodes
where T recognize Ag/ MHC on APC
naive T cell
a T cell that must encounter an Ag for survival
interaction allowing initial APC-T cell binding
low-affinity LFA-1/CAM-1 interactions
no. signals required by naive T cell for activation
signal 1 for naive T cell activation
signal from TCR contacting MHC/ peptide on APC
involves CD3 zeta chain
signal 2 for naive T cell activation
professional APC’s express co-stimulatory molecules: B7.1/2 binding CD28 expressed by naive T cells
signal 3 for naive T cell activation
APC release cytokines binding cytokine receptors upregulated on naive T cells
naive T cell activation overview
- activation > TCR
- survival> co-stimulation
- differentiation> cytokines
requirements for effector T cells to bring about effect
no/ reduced signal 2
negative feedback co-stimulation
activated T cells proliferate and express ICOS/ CTLA-4
Binds ICOSL on APC
induces cytokine secretion
(CD28 related)
CD28 antagonist
stronger binding to B7.1/2 than CD28
delivers negative signal to T cell
(CD28 related)
CTLA-4 mutations
autoimmune diseases
CTLA-4 use in clinical settings
anti-CLA-4 treatment of Cancer to increase immune response to tumour
e.g. melanoma/ renal carcinoma
variation in co-stimulatory expression
constitutive in mature dendritic cells
inducible on macrophages/ B cells
danger signal
APC activation after binding pathogen-associated molecules to receptors expressed for PRR
> APC upregulation of MHC and co-stimulatory molecules
danger signal function
ensures signal 2 to activate T cell mediated response only occurs during infection
cytokine action
dictate activated CD4 T cell differentiation into effector cell subsets
Th1 cytokines
(differentiates into T-bet cell which produces IL-2/ IFN-gamma)
Th2 cytokines
(differentiates into GATA3 producing IL-4/IL-5)
dendritic cells function
present Ag
activate naive T
MHC expression in dendritic cells
decrease in immature dendritic
high in lymphoid tissue dendritic cells
dendritic cell location
throughout body
antigen uptake of dendritic cells
in tissue dendritic
2 types of dendritic cells
myeloid DC
potent APC
Naive T activation
plasmacytoid DC
in viral infection
pDC/ DC6
secerete T1 alpha/ beta interferons
express TLR 7/9
where are myeloid dendritic cells derived
bone marrow
immature myeloid dendritic cell location
co-stimulatory molecules expressed by myeloid dendritic cells
Only when matured/ activated
myeloid dendritic cell induction
danger signal induces to mature/ migrate to lymph node (T cell areas of lymphoid tissues)
DC MHC I/II loaded w peptides from pathogens in peripheral tissues ^ co-stim/ CAM
naive T cell activation by dendritic cells
- immature DC in peripheral tissues encounter pathogens/ PAMP activated
- TLR signalling ^CCR7 and ^processing of pathogen-derived Ag
- CCR7 directs migration into lymphoid tissues/ ^co-stim/ MHC molecule expression
- mature DC in T zone primes naive T
pathogen associated molecular pattern
DC1 processing exogenous Ag and present via MHCI
DC activate CD8 T
CD8 can then kill infected w/o co-stim
macrophage MHC expression
induced by bacteria and cytokines
inducible co-stimulation delivery
macrophage location
lymphoid tissue
connective tissue
body cavities
macrophage function
pathogen scavengers/ killers (phagocytotic)
what do macrophages express?
MHC II and B7
macrophage activation
activated by T cells
produce inflammatory cytokines
B cell Ag uptake
Ag-specific receptor
B cell MHC expression/ co-stim delivery
constitutive MHC expression
inducible co-stim delivery
B cell location
lymphoid tissue
peripheral blood
B cell characteristics
poor phagocytosis
B cell function
internalize soluble Ag for processing/ presentation by BCR
BCR Ag binding up-regulates B7> can provide signal 2
B cells as Ag-specific APC
- Ag-specific B cell binds Ag
- Ag internalized by receptor mediated endocytosis
- presentation of specific antigen fragments
interleukin 2
cytokine for T cell survival
*naive T has low affin for IL2R until activated and then secretes IL2
IL2 binding to IL2R on activated T
> much T proliferation
IL-2 function
rapid T division
expands Ag-specific activated T population
*target of immunosuppressant drugs!!!
effector T
no co-stim required upon TCR engagement
change adhesion molecule expression
enter tissues not lymph nodes via activated endothelia
CD8 T stimulation
require high levels of co-stim activity
direct activation by infected/ cross-presented APC
clonal deletion of immature lymphocytes
results in cell death/ receptor editing/ BCR downregulation
non-self Ag B cell activation
survival and plasma cell differentiation producing same antibody of BCR
B cells move into blood/ lymphatics after selection
B cell activation upon binding to antigens
move into circulatory system to lymphoid organs for activation
what do activated B cells produce?
plasma/ memory cells in bone marrow/ lymphoid tissue
humoral response
antibody secretion by plasma cells
3 effects of humoral response
- neutralization (bacterial adherence prevention)
- opsonization (phagocytosis promotion)
- complement activation (c ^ opsonization and lyzes bacteria)
B-cell activation
naive B cell secretes Ig/ BCR (IgM + IgD) and encounter non-self Ag in secondary lymphoid tissue
B cell signal 1
Ag binding to BCR
BCR cross-linkage ^ intracellular kinases
Immunoreceptor Tyrosine-based Activator Motif
what is an ITAM
conserved region in cyto domain of signalling chains in cyto tails of Igalpha/beta
B cell signal 1 enhancement
C cascade activated by Ag
BCR co-receptor complex
complement receptor and BCR
Ag covered in complex will engage complement receptor 2> augmenting signal
2 types of B cell signal 2
thymus independent
thymus dependent
(depend on Ag)
thymus independent B signal 2 cause and result
Ag / extensive cross-linking of BCR > IgM production with no T cells required
TI-1 Ag (B signal 2)
bind to BCR/ other receptors
act as polyclonal activators of high volume
BCR+TLR= B activation, prolif + Ig secretion
TI-2 Ag
repeated epitopes
cross-link many BCR on same B cell
e.g. polysaccharide
difference between TI-1 and TI-2
TI-2 Ag require more Ag to induce B cell activation
both activate B cells producing IgM antibodies> will not induce class-switch Ig
what do antibodies to TD Ag require?
CD4+ T cells
(absent in thymus absence)
TI vs TD Ag Ig response
TD Ag Ig response> TI Ag Ig response
Thymus dependent Ag development
- T activated by MHC/ APC peptide
- BCR binds Ag (signal 1)
- B internalizes, processes and presents to CD4 T CD40/CD40-L
- T secretes cytokines
product of Thymus dependent Ag
all Ig classes produced
use of TI Ag> TD Ag conversion
increases efficiency of vaccine against pathogens of T1 antigens
epitopes recognized by Ig/ T linkage
from parts of the same molecule/ different molecules of same complex
conjugate vaccine
T1 Ag capsular polysaccharide coupled to a protein so is TD Ag > therefore child can be immunized
why can children only be immunized by the conjugate vaccine?
Ig responses typically develop over 5 years old
B/T Cell conjugates
when do these occur?
when TD Ag is presented by B to CD4+ T cells at T/B boundary in lymph node
B binds Ag via BCR and presents peptide on MHC class II
then expresses CD40 ligand and secrets cytokines
what induces activation induced deaminase? what’s it required for?
induced by CD40
required for class-switching/ SHM
where do B cells receive signal 2
in B cell follicle/ subcapsular sinus of dendritic cell