L4 - Lipid Transport Flashcards
2% of lipids are transported in the blood attached to albumin, the rest are carried as what?
What is the recommended range for plasma cholesterol?
Some cholesterol is obtained from the diet but most is synthesised in the liver. List three major functions of cholesterol
- Modulates membrane fluidity
- Precursor of steroid hormones
- Precursor of bile acids
Give some lipids that are transported within the micelles of lipoproteins
triglycerides/cholesterol esters (transportable form)/Fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E and K)
lipoproteins consist of three major things, a phospholipid monolayer, it’s cargo (lipids) and apoliporproteins which bind the lipids. These apolipoproteins can be peripheral or ______
What do chylomicrons transport specifically around the bloodstream?
dietary fats
VLDL’S transport fats made in the liver, as they travel around the bloodstream and deplete their cargo they become IDL’s and then _____
what do HDL’s do?
transport cells excess cholesterol to the liver
How long are chylomicrons present for after eating a meal?
4 hours
Order these in DENSITY, highest to lowest chylomicrons idl's ldl's hdl's vldl's
HDL's LDL's IDL's VLDL's Chylomicrons
Which lipoproteins express apoB and which express apoA1? (important)
apoB - VLDL, IDL, LDL apoA1 - HDL
Give two functions of the apolipoproteins
- package lipids
- act as co-factors for enzymes
- act as ligands for cell-surface receptors
Chylomicrons containing dietary fats are loaded with cargo and the apoB-48 apolipoprotein in the small intestine before entering the lymphatics. Briefly describe their path from here to their breakdown in the liver
Enter the subclavian vein via the thoracic duct into the circulation and acquire ApoC and ApoE.
ApoC binds LDL on tissues and muscle, this releases the fatty acids and when triglyceride levels reach 20% apoC dissociates and the chylomicron becomes a remnant
Remnants travel to liver where LDL receptors on heptaocytes binds apoE and the remnant resulting in endocytosis and metabolism of the remnant
VLDL’s transport fat made in the liver, they also deliver them by binding binding to LPL on liver and muscle cells, what apolipoproteins are added to VLDL’s ?
apoB100 during formation
apoC and apoE from HDL particles in the blood
What are fatty acids released from any of these lipoproteins used for in the
a) muscle
b) adipose tissue
a) energy production
b) re-synthesis of triglyceride and storage as fat