L4 + L5 Vocab Exam 1 Flashcards
Accretionary Prism
A wedge shaped mass of sediment and rock scrapped off the top of a downging plate and accrected onto the overriding plate at a convergent plate margin.
Apparent Polar wander path
A path on the globe along which a magnetic pole appears to hve wandered over time.
Curie Point
The temperature at which rocks and minerals lose their permanent magnetisation.
The process of two buoyant pieces of the lithosphere coverging and squashing together.
Contential Rift
A liner belt along which contential lithospher streches and pulls apart.
Heat transfer that results when warmer, less dense material rises while cooler, denser material sinks.
Convergent Boundary
A surface across which two plates move towards each other so that one plate sinks beneath the other.
A magnetic feild with a north and south pole like that of a bar magnet.
Magnetic Feild
The region affected by the force emanating form a magnet
Magnetic inclination
The angle between a magnetic needle free to pivot on a horizontal axis and a horizontal plane parallel to the Earth’s surface
magnetic declination
The angle between the direction a compass needle points at a given location and the direction of true north.
The record of ancient magnetism pressured in rock
Marine magnetic anomalies
Variation of strength of Earths magnetic Field caused by magnetism in rocks of the ocean floor.
Normal polarity
Polarity in which the paleomagnetic dipole has the same orientation as it does today.
Plate boundary
The border between two adjacent lithosphere plates
Reversed polarity
Polarity in which the Paleomagnetic dipoles are opposite.
Remanent magnetism
Magnetization left behind in a ferromagnetic material after an external magnetic field is removed.
Accretionary prism
A wedge shaped mass of sediment and rock scraped off the top of an ongoing plate and accreted onto the overriding plate at a convergent plate margin.
The process of two buoyant pieces of the lithosphere, converging and squishing together
Continental rift
A linear belt along which continental lithosphere stretches and pulls apart
Heat transfer that results when warmer less dense material, rises, while cooler denser material sinks.
Convergent boundary
A surface across which two plates move toward each other, so that one plate sinks beneath the other.
Divergent boundary
A boundary at which two lithosphere plates move apart from each other.
The downward movement of a volume of moving material.
A location at the base of the lithosphere, where temperatures can cause melting and igneous activity.
Orogenic belt
A linear range of mountains
Mantle plume
A column of very hot rock that rises up through the mantle
Ridge push force
A process in which gravity causes the elevated lithosphere at a mid ocean ridge axis to push on the lithosphere.
Slab pull force
The force that down going plates apply to oceanic lithosphere at a convergent margin.
The contact defining the boundary of what were two separate crustal blocks prior to collision.
Transform boundary
A boundary at which one lithosphere plates slips laterally past another.
Triple Junction
A point where three lithosphere plate boundaries intersect.
The upward flow of air or water 
Wadati-Benioff Zone
A sloping band of seismicity defined by intermediate and deep focus earthquakes that occur in the downgoing slab of a convergent plate boundary.